Forum: depresja, smutek, leczenie, inne ... Forum: depresja, pomagamy sobie wzajemnie z poszanowaniem, czytamy i odpowiadamy, to nasza mala ostoja, tutaj mozemy pisac co nas boli, smuci, nie jestes juz sam... mamy czat depresja na www.czat.onet.pl on-line, zapraszam stefan=zaak_333 admin...
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administrator, zalozyciel forum
Dołączył: 03 Gru 2005
Posty: 13038
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: okolice warszawy Płeć: Mezczyzna
Wysłany: Wtorek 1:16:53, 02 Grudzień 2014, Wtorek , 335 Temat postu: |
Najważniejsze artykuły
Nauka i technika
Przecena akcji na Wall Street. Oto powody
Money.pl - 2 godz. temu
Pierwsza sesja grudnia w USA przyniosła spadki po danych wskazujących na spadek sprzedaży, w porównaniu z ubiegłym rokiem, amerykańskich detalistów w trakcie pierwszego weekendu okresu przedświątecznego. Rozczarowały również odczyty ...
Spadkowy poniedziałek na Wall StreetPuls Biznesu
Waluty: Spora przecena na Wall Street - popołudniowy komentarz ...Wirtualna Polska
Strajk kolejarzy - paraliż na pół Europy
Interia - 11 godz. temu
Strajki kolejarzy powodują utrudnienia w ruchu kolejowym w zachodniej i wschodniej Belgii. Sparaliżowany jest ruch między Belgią, Luksemburgiem i Niemcami. Wstrzymane zostaną też pociągi Eurostar do Londynu. Pusty dworzec w Liege, 1 grudnia 2014 ...
Wprost 24
Wielki upadek rubla? Interweniował Bank Rosji
Wprost 24 - 6 godz. temu
Jak podaje TVN24, podczas poniedziałkowej sesji na giełdzie w Moskwie kurs waluty narodowej Rosji spadł do najniższego poziomu w historii. Interweniował Bank Rosji, który rzucił na rynek 1,2-1,5 mld dolarów. Jak podał dziennik "Izwiestija" w bankach ...
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl
Wirtualna Polska przejmuje Money.pl
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl - 9 godz. temu
Grupa Wirtualna Polska przejmuje Grupę Money, właściciela portalu finansowego Money.pl - podała WP w komunikacie prasowym. Nie ujawniono jednak wartości transakcji. Wirtualna Polska przejmuje Money.pl. Grupa Wirtualna Polska powstała w lutym ...
Cena ropy marki Brent wzrosła powyżej 70 dolarów na baryłkę
Głos Rosji - 9 godz. temu
Na giełdzie cena ropy naftowej marki Brent wzrosła powyżej 70 dolarów za baryłkę - wynika z danych Światowej Giełdy. Wcześniej w poniedziałek cena baryłki ropy marki Brent spadła o 3,6%, do 67,7 dolara. Ceny ropy naftowej marki WTI spadła poniżej 65 ...
Władza na Węgrzech chce, by większość sklepów była nieczynna w ...
tokfm.pl - 2 godz. temu
Rządzący na Węgrzech centroprawicowy Fidesz poparł zaproponowany przez swojego koalicjanta plan zakazu handlu w niedzielę w prawie wszystkich sklepach w kraju. Szef frakcji parlamentarnej Fideszu Antal Rogan powiedział, że jego ugrupowanie ...
Polski przemysł w dobrej kondycji; PMI pozytywnie zaskoczył ...
Wirtualna Polska - 8 godz. temu
01.12. Warszawa (PAP) - Wskaźnik PMI obrazujący ogólną kondycję polskiego sektora przemysłowego pozytywnie zaskoczył ekonomistów rosnąc w listopadzie po raz trzeci z rzędu. Ich zdaniem dane te potwierdzają, że polskie firmy dobrze radzą sobie ze ...
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl
PGE: Rusza budowa bloku 450 MW w Elektrowni Turów
GazetaPrawna.pl - 8 godz. temu
Wykonawcy nowego bloku 450 MW na węgiel brunatny w elektrowni Turów otrzymali Polecenie rozpoczęcia prac, podała PGE. Projekt o wartości około 4 mld zł brutto realizuje konsorcjum firm: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe (lider z 55,38% ...
Inwestorzy będą ważyć wpływ taniej ropy
Onet.pl - 17 godz. temu
Choć pierwszy dzień grudnia przyniesie sporo nowych informacji, decydujący wpływ na sytuację na rynkach będą mieć wciąż kalkulacje dotyczące wpływu przeceny notowań ropy naftowej na kondycję spółek i gospodarki. Widoczne już w piątek ...
Puls Biznesu
Sprzedali konie, kupili Błonie
Puls Biznesu - 7 godz. temu
Błonie - słynna w PRL polska marka zegarków znów jest na rynku. 500 tys. zł w produkcję zainwestowała dwójka pasjonatów z Warszawy, ale na zegarkach zamiast „Made in Poland” będzie póki co widnieć „Made in Hongkong”.
Wirtualna Polska
Indeksy dla przemysłu nie takie złe, jak się obawiano
Bankier - 8 godz. temu
Zarówno PMI dla przemysłu, jak i publikowany później ISM nie były złe. W pierwszym przypadku odczyt wyniósł 54,8 pkt. wobec 54,7 pkt. we wstępnych szacunkach. W drugim zamiast spadku do 58 pkt. z 59 pkt., zniżka sięgnęła zaledwie 58,7 pkt. Biorąc pod ...
Część pieniędzy z zaoszczędzonego Janosikowego na Mazowszu ...
INFOR.pl - 12 godz. temu
To dobra wiadomość dla wszystkich mieszkańców Mazowsza. W przyszłym roku województwo zapłaci mniejszą opłatę tzw. Janosikowego. W rezultacie część zaoszczędzonych pieniędzy przeznaczy na remonty dróg. Najlepszy komplet: PODATKI 2015.
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl
Strabag wybuduje obwodnicę Wielunia
Rzeczpospolita - 11 godz. temu
Wybudowanie obwodnicy Wielunia spowoduje przede wszystkim wyprowadzenie ruchu tranzytowego, głównie samochodów ciężarowych, z ciasnego centrum miasta. źródło: Fotorzepa. autor: Marta Bogacz. + Zobacz więcej zdjęć. Redakcja poleca:.
Wzrosła sprzedaż CCC i LPP
Puls Biznesu - 8 godz. temu
Skonsolidowane przychody ze sprzedaży CCC za listopad 2014 wyniosły 203,3 mln zł i były wyższe o 12,5% w skali roku, poinformowała spółka. Tagi. Wyniki spółek. Notowania. LPP, CCC. Przychody za okres styczeń – listopad wyniosły 1.782,0 mln zł i były ...
Barclays obniżył wyceny dla Alior Banku i PKO BP, podniósł dla Pekao
Onet.pl - 14 godz. temu
Analitycy Barclays obniżyli cenę docelową jednej akcji Alior Banku o 4 proc. do 88,2 zł, a PKO BP o 8 proc. do 42,4 zł. W przypadku Pekao podwyższyli wycenę o 1 proc. do 195 zł. Podtrzymano rekomendacje dla wszystkich wspomnianych banków. Poleć ...
Polskie Radio
KUKE: eksport w październiku wzrósł 4,7 proc. rdr
Polskie Radio - 11 godz. temu
Na podstawie analizy opublikowanych danych o stanie gospodarki w październiku oraz zapotrzebowania na usługi korporacji w zakresie ochrony transakcji eksportowych szacujemy, że w październiku eksport z Polski wyniósł 14,940 mld euro. Był więc o 4,8 ...
Gazeta Wyborcza
Ponad 2,5 tys. sklepów bezpłatnie dostarczy zakupy
Gazeta.pl - 7 godz. temu
Już po raz piąty w Polsce odbywa się Dzień Darmowej Dostawy, czyli dzień, w którym zakupy zrobione w wielu sklepach internetowych mogą zostać dostarczone za darmo, niezależnie od wartości zakupów, sposobu płatności i metody dostawy.
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl
Torpol szykuje sojusz na kolejowe przetargi
Portal gospodarczy wnp.pl - 4 godz. temu
Torpol podpisał list intencyjny ze spółką Pozbud T&R, który potwierdza rozpoczęcie negocjacji, mających doprowadzić do współpracy w zakresie realizacji zamówień publicznych w obszarze infrastruktury kolejowej - poinformował Torpol. Torpol szykuje ...
BDM: Lotos - 'trzymaj'
Inwestycje.pl - 13 godz. temu
LOTOS jest w trakcie przeprowadzania emisji 55 mln akcji, z której planuje pozyskać blisko 1,0 mld PLN na inwestycje w: i) projekt EFRA (poprawa rentowności przerobu na bazie instalacji DCU), ii) uruchomienie wydobycia ze złóż B4/B6. Przed ogłoszeniem ...
Gość Krakowski
Tężnia pełna zdrowia
Gość Krakowski - 2 godz. temu
... - Kiedy zobaczyłem tę tężnię, przypomniały mi się biblijne słowa, które Pan powiedział w raju: "Czyńcie sobie ziemię poddaną". Budując to imponujące dzieło, które dziś Bogu oddajemy i powierzamy, zrealizowaliście Jego polecenie, aby czynić tę solankę ...
Rubel ustanawia kolejne antyrekordy
Puls Biznesu - 4 godz. temu
Stosunki Polska-Białoruś. "To nasz ważny partner"
Money.pl - 8 godz. temu
Putin: Rosja rezygnuje z realizacji South Streamu
Puls Biznesu - 2 godz. temu
Wirtualna Polska przejęła grupę Money. Coraz bardziej się powiększa
Puls HR - 6 godz. temu
Strajk kolejarzy - paraliż na pół Europy
Interia - 11 godz. temu
Cena ropy marki Brent wzrosła powyżej 70 dolarów na baryłkę
Głos Rosji - 9 godz. temu
Prezydent chce ulżyć przedsiębiorcom. Skarbówka ma spokornieć
Biztok.pl - 15 godz. temu
Sprzedali konie, kupili Błonie
Puls Biznesu - 7 godz. temu
Przecena akcji na Wall Street. Oto powody
Money.pl - 2 godz. temu
PGE: Rusza budowa bloku 450 MW w Elektrowni Turów
GazetaPrawna.pl - 8 godz. temu
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RSS - Inne wersje Google News - Google News – informacje - Kanały – informacje - Pomoc - Prześlij opinię
2014 Google - Strona główna Google - Programy reklamowe - Rozwiązania dla firm - Prywatność i warunki - Wszystko o Google
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administrator, zalozyciel forum
Dołączył: 03 Gru 2005
Posty: 13038
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: okolice warszawy Płeć: Mezczyzna
Wysłany: Wtorek 1:17:25, 02 Grudzień 2014, Wtorek , 335 Temat postu: |
Najważniejsze artykuły
Nauka i technika
Nauka i technika
Windows 8.1 pokonał XP, liderem Windows 7
wirtualnemedia.pl - 1 Godzina temu
Windows 8.1 przekroczył próg 10 proc. udziału w globalnym rynku systemów operacyjnych i po raz pierwszy wyprzedził Windowsa XP. Polecamy. Chronos Eco - smartwatch od Goclever za 169 zł · C6 Quad 4G - nowy smartfon od Allview Mobile za 499 zł ...
Windows 8.1 jest już popularniejszy od XPTelix.pl
Windows 8.1 popularniejszy niż XP, ale 7 wciąż rządziPC World
Komputer Świat
Komputer Świat
Softonic.pl (Blog)
PC Format
Tablet myTAB 10 Q-Premium i smartfon myPhone Q-Smart w ...
PC Format - 16 godz. temu
Od poniedziałku w Biedronce można kupić tablet myTAB 10 Q-Premium oraz 4,5-calowy smartfon myPhone Q-Smart, w zestawach ze starterem TuBiedronka i bezpłatnym internetem. Tablet myTAB 10 Q-Premium i smartfon myPhone Q-Smart w Biedronce.
DNA może przetrwać wejście w atmosferę
Interia - 14 godz. temu
Naukowcy odkryli, że DNA jest w stanie przetrwać nie tylko lot w przestrzeni kosmicznej, ale nawet wejście w ziemską atmosferę – czytamy na łamach serwisu PhysOrg. Niezwykłego odkrycia dokonano w eksperymencie z udziałem misji rakiety TEXUS-49.
Google Glass ponoć jeszcze nie takie martwe. Ponoć
Gazeta.pl - 5 godz. temu
Kamera Google Glass - element, który budzi bodaj najwięcej wątpliwości i obaw. Fot. Lukasz Falkowski / Agencja Gazeta. Glass to być może najbardziej zaniedbany produkt Google. Wciąż udostępniany jedynie wyselekcjonowanym osobom, nie wiadomo ...
Cyberbezpieczeństwo wciąż wielkim wyzwaniem
Telix.pl - 13 godz. temu
Wraz z rozwojem technologii i rozszerzaniem obszaru ich wykorzystania w organizacjach rosną nowe wyzwania. Cyberbezpieczeństwo jest szczególnie istotną, choć jak wskazują badania rynkowe – wciąż niewystarczająco zaadresowaną kwestią.
Szpilka pobity przez licealistów! - kolejna pułapka na facebooku
Onet.pl - 7 godz. temu
“Artur Szpilka dotkliwie pobity przez kilku licealistów! Wzięli go z zaskoczenia, nie miał szans.” - niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś jego fanem, czy nie przepadasz na bokserem z Wieliczki, a nawet jeśli w ogóle nie wiesz, kto to jest - taki tytuł może łatwo ...
Rekordowo ciepły 2014 rok
Rzeczpospolita - 7 godz. temu
Choć wyglądając dziś za okno trudno w to uwierzyć, naukowcy przekonują, iż 2014 rok jest najgorętszym w całej historii pomiarów. Amerykańska Administracja Oceanów i Atmosfery (NOAA) opublikowała właśnie dane obejmujące okres do października tego ...
Trwają prace nad 2 generacją Google Glass z procesorem Intela
Telix.pl - 58 minuty temu
Jak wynika z informacji zdobytych przez Wall Street Journal, Google planuje wprowadzić na rynek drugą generację Google Glass w 2015 roku. Ulepszony gadżet zostanie wyposażony w energooszczędny procesor Intela i pozwoli na dłuższą pracę na ...
Wirtualna Polska
Xbox One w końcu "wygrał" z Playstation 4
Wirtualna Polska - 4 godz. temu
Wyniki sprzedaży pięciu najważniejszych modeli konsol podczas promocji związanych z Czarnym Piątkiem nie pozostawiają żadnych wątpliwości, kto jest zwycięzcą. Pulę tym razem zgarnął Microsoft. Przy tej informacji trzeba jednak postawić pewne ...
LG zaprezentuje G Flex 2 w trakcie targów CES 2015?
FrazPC.pl - 8 godz. temu
Jeszcze kilka miesięcy temu otrzymywaliśmy przecieki sugerujące, że LG zdecyduje się na ujawnienie następcy modelu G Flex do końca bieżącego roku, ale jak wynika z najnowszych doniesień, na oficjalną prezentację tego nietuzinkowego smartfona ...
Kolejne informacje na temat HTC One M9
fortel.info - 2 godz. temu
HTC One M8 / fot. producenta W chińskich mediach społecznościowych krążą domniemane informacje o nowym flagowcu od HTC. Co planują nam zaserwować Tajwańczycy? Coraz częstsze plotki zapowiadają kawał dobrego urządzenia, lecz niektórzy ...
Smartfon z Tizenem jednak istnieje, niebawem wejdzie do Indii
dobreprogramy - 7 godz. temu
Mieliśmy zobaczyć go w kwietniu, w sierpniu został anulowany. Koreańskie media informują, że smartfon z Tizenem w końcu dojrzał i zostanie zaprezentowany 10 grudnia. Nie będzie to jednak ten model, o którym wcześniej słyszeliśmy. Na początku roku ...
Rozpoczęły się przygotowania do do II Kongresu Młodych Osób ...
Niedzela - 10 godz. temu
Kongres Młodych Osób Konsekrowanych odbędzie się we wrześniu 2015 roku na Jasnej Górze. Obecnie trwają do niego przygotowania w powołanym własnie Komitecie Organizacyjnym. Kongres będzie jednym z ogólnopolskich wydarzeń Roku Życia ...
Polskie ceny Mazdy2
Interia - 12 godz. temu
Wiemy już, na ile wyceniona została nowa Mazda2. Chociaż samochód trafi do polskich salonów w marcu przyszłego roku, już dziś można składać zamówienia na ten model. Zdjęcie. Mazda2 /. Mazda2. /. Przypominamy, że nowa Mazda2 mierzy 4,06 m ...
iPad Air Plus - informacje na temat 12-calowego tabletu Apple
FrazPC.pl - 14 godz. temu
12-calowy iPad pojawia się w branżowych przeciekach już od dłuższego czasu i wygląda na to, że w końcu doczekamy się jego premiery. A przynajmniej na to wskazują doniesienia japońskiego serwisu Mac Fan, który wcześniej zasłynął już sprawdzonymi ...
Puls HR
Cisco: Znaczenie smartfonów - jak technologia zmienia sposoby pracy
Telix.pl - 8 godz. temu
Wymagania większej elastyczności stylu pracy, jakie stawiają pracownicy reprezentujący Pokolenie X i Pokolenie Y powodują, że pracodawcy zaczynają modyfikować swoją politykę i coraz częściej próbują dopasować środowisko pracy do tych ...
Captcha w Aero2 zlikwidujesz za opłatą
PC World - 6 godz. temu
Rocznik '88, student Politechniki Warszawskiej i początkujący bloger. Entuzjasta ery post-PC, web 2.0 i Social Media, a przy tym trochę geekowaty fan Androida i Gwiezdnych Wojen. Prywatnie prowadzi bloga [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] Od września 2009 ...
Przedświąteczna premiera HTC Desire 620
TELEPOLIS.PL - 7 godz. temu
HTC zaprezentował smartfon Desire 620 w dwóch wersjach - z LTE i Qualcommem oraz bez LTE i MediaTekiem. HTC Desire 620 oraz Desire 620G legitymują się 5-calowymi ekranami o rozdzielczości 720 x 1280 pikseli, 1 GB pamięci RAM, głównymi ...
Komputer Świat
Puzzlephone - kolejny modułowy smartfon
TELEPOLIS.PL - 6 godz. temu
Projekt Ara, czyli modułowy smartfon okazał się być na tyle ciekawy, że pojawił się kolejny pomysł tego typu - Puzzlephone. Puzzlephone jest projektem działającym od 2013 roku. Jego twórcy są coraz bliżej stworzenia pierwszej działającej konstrukcji.
Komputer Świat
Sony i FIFA nie idą już w duecie
Komputer Świat - 3 godz. temu
Producent PlayStation postanowił nie przedłużać umowy sposorskiej z FIFĄ. Jako jeden z powodów podaje się korupcyjne afery, o które podejrzewana jest piłkarska federacja. Przez osiem ostatnich lat Sony było jednym z głównych sponsorów ...
Tablet myTAB 10 Q-Premium i smartfon myPhone Q-Smart w ...
PC Format - 16 godz. temu
Google Glass ponoć jeszcze nie takie martwe. Ponoć
Gazeta.pl - 5 godz. temu
DNA może przetrwać wejście w atmosferę
Interia - 14 godz. temu
Szpilka o "pobiciu" przez licealistów. "To farmazony"
rmf24.pl - 4 godz. temu
Captcha w Aero2 zlikwidujesz za opłatą
PC World - 6 godz. temu
Polskie ceny Mazdy2
Interia - 12 godz. temu
Rekordowo ciepły 2014 rok
Rzeczpospolita - 7 godz. temu
Trwają prace nad 2 generacją Google Glass z procesorem Intela
Telix.pl - 58 minuty temu
Windows 8.1 pokonał XP, liderem Windows 7
wirtualnemedia.pl - 1 Godzina temu
Smartfon z Tizenem jednak istnieje, niebawem wejdzie do Indii
dobreprogramy - 7 godz. temu
Dobór i rozmieszczenie artykułów na tej stronie określił automatycznie program komputerowy.
Podana godzina lub data (również w funkcji Oś czasu artykułów) określa czas dodania artykułu lub zaktualizowania go w Google News.
RSS - Inne wersje Google News - Google News – informacje - Kanały – informacje - Pomoc - Prześlij opinię
2014 Google - Strona główna Google - Programy reklamowe - Rozwiązania dla firm - Prywatność i warunki - Wszystko o Google
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Zobacz poprzedni temat :: Zobacz następny temat |
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administrator, zalozyciel forum
Dołączył: 03 Gru 2005
Posty: 13038
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: okolice warszawy Płeć: Mezczyzna
Wysłany: Wtorek 1:18:53, 02 Grudzień 2014, Wtorek , 335 Temat postu: |
Najważniejsze artykuły
Nauka i technika
Adam Marciniak: zawiodłem drużynę, to nie jest przyjemne uczucie
Onet.pl - 3 godz. temu
Najsmutniejszą minę po meczu Legia – Cracovia w 17. kolejce Ekstraklasy Adam Marciniak. Obrońca gości strzelił samobójczego gola w 10. minucie, który bardzo ułatwił Legii odniesienie zwycięstwa. Marciniak przyznał po spotkaniu, że ciężko mu ...
Koniec roku w Warszawie na plusie. Legia zdarła PasyTVN Warszawa
Legia - Cracovia (2:0): zobacz skrót meczuEkstraklasa.tv
Polskie Radio
Przegląd Sportowy
Dziennik Polski
Gazeta Krakowska (subskrypcia)
Złota trójca - Ronaldo, Messi, Neuer
Sport.pl - 2 godz. temu
Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo i Manuel Neuer - FIFA ogłosiła finalistów plebiscytu Złota Piłka 2014. Gala w Zurychu odbędzie się 12 stycznia. Trofeum broni Ronaldo, który wygrał z Realem Madryt "La Decima", czyli dziesiąty w historii klubu Puchar Europy.
Wirtualna Polska
Klopp:czuję się odpowiedzialny, ale nie odchodzę
Wirtualna Polska - 3 godz. temu
Trener Borussii Dortmund, będącej po raz pierwszy od 29 lat "czerwoną latarnią" piłkarskiej Bundesligi Juergen Klopp czuje się odpowiedzialny za niepowodzenia swoich podopiecznych. Nie zamierza jednak odejść.
KSW29: Pudzianowski zmierzy się z Nastulą
Onet.pl - 2 godz. temu
Już niebawem Mariusz Pudzianowski zmierzy się z Pawłem Nastulą. - Nie zamierzam przegrać tej walki. Zobaczymy, kto będzie miał więcej szczęścia - mówi "Pudzian". Zapraszamy do obejrzenia zapowiedzi nadchodzącego pojedynku. Poleć. 0. Udostępnij.
Chińskie żarty
Rzeczpospolita - 2 godz. temu
Śmieszna dyskwalifikacja mistrza olimpijskiego Sun Yanga świadczy o tym, że Chińczycy wracają do dawnych dopingowych praktyk. Trimetazydynę, lek stosowany w chorobie niedokrwiennej serca, wykryto w organizmie Sun Yanga w maju, a w lipcu pływak ...
Hosszu i Le Clos najlepszymi pływakami 2014 roku według FINA
Wirtualna Polska - 1 Godzina temu
Węgierka Katinka Hosszu i Chad le Clos z RPA zostali wybrani przez międzynarodową federację (FINA) najlepszymi pływakami 2014 roku. Nazwiska laureatów ogłoszono na uroczystej gali w Dausze, gdzie w środę rozpoczną się mistrzostwa świata na ...
Grała liga, czyli maestro Marciniak
Piłka Nożna Online - 3 godz. temu
Na dwie kolejki przed zimową przerwą Legia Warszawa wykorzystała potknięcia Wisły, Śląska, Jagiellonii oraz Górnika Zabrze i oderwała się od peletonu na sześć punktów. Niby nie dużo, ale obowiązkiem zainteresowanych pościgiem było wykorzystać ...
Poniedziałkowa rewolucja, czyli o Mili, Miliku i... głuptakach
Piłka Nożna Online - 3 godz. temu
Nie lubię poniedziałków. I to wcale nie z powodów, przez które inni też nie przepadają za tym dniem tygodnia. W przeciwieństwie do większości narodu, ja poniedziałki mam wolne. To znaczy próbuję wypoczywać po bardzo pracowitych niedzielach, kiedy ...
Chelsea niechciana w Richmond
Rzeczpospolita - 7 godz. temu
Niebawem rozpocznie się remont Stamford Bridge. Chelsea planuje rozgrywać swoje mecze na stadionie rugby Twickenham. Jednak władze gminy Richmond, w której znajduje się obiekt, nie są przychylne temu pomysłowi, bo "nie chcą u siebie rosyjskich ...
Michał Pulkowski: strzeliliśmy sobie gola i wszystko wzięło w łeb
Onet.pl - 3 godz. temu
Michał Pulkowski, który podczas meczu z Legią Warszawa pełnił rolę pierwszego trenera Cracovii (w zastępstwie Roberta Podolińskiego), był rozgoryczony po porażce 0:2. Zdaniem opiekuna Pasów, nie dało się osiągnąć w Warszawie korzystnego wyniku, ...
Wirtualna Polska
Berg: cieszę się, że mamy Pinto
Wirtualna Polska - 3 godz. temu
Helio Pinto zagrał bardzo dobry mecz, ale to nie jest dla mnie zaskoczenie, bo to świetny zawodnik. Zarówno na lewej obronie, jak i w pomocy świetnie się spisuje. Cieszę się, że mamy takiego gracza - powiedział po zwycięstwie nad Cracovią trener Legii ...
PGNiG Superliga: zwycięstwo Chrobrego Głogów
Onet.pl - 1 Godzina temu
W 11. kolejce PGNiG Superligi Chrobry Głogów ograł Wybrzeże Gdańsk 25:22 (10:10). Bohaterem gospodarzy został Marek Świtała, który zanotował dziewięć trafień. Poleć. 0. Udostępnij. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on wykop ...
Ruszyła sprzedaż biletów na Grand Prix na Stadionie Narodowym
Onet.pl - 7 godz. temu
Od 1 grudnia można nabywać bilety na LOTTO Warsaw FIM Speedway Grand Prix of Poland, które w przyszłym roku odbędzie się na Stadionie Narodowym w Warszawie. Sprzedaż wejściówek trwa od kilkunastu godzin i cieszy się ogromnym ...
Wirtualna Polska
Anglicy nie ustają w ujawnianiu kolejnych rewelacji o korupcji na ...
Polityka - 7 minuty temu
Ale nie widać nadziei, że cokolwiek wskórają, jeśli chodzi o powtórzenia głosowania nad wyborem gospodarzy dwóch najbliższych mundiali: Rosji i Kataru. Dopiero co wypłynęła informacja, że w kręgu podejrzanych o korupcję przy okazji głosowania nad ...
Tajner: Bez paniki, to są skoki
Sport.pl - 2 godz. temu
... - Decyzja, czy Kamil Stoch wystartuje w Lillehammer, zapadnie w środę po treningu na Wielkiej Krokwi. Wtedy Łukasz Kruczek postanowi też, kto jeszcze jest w formie, by skakać w Norwegii. Zły początek rywalizacji w Pucharze Świata wymaga reakcji.
Wprost 24
Barcelona pokonała Valencię rzutem na taśmę. Messi dostał butelką ...
Wprost 24 - 10 godz. temu
W hitowym spotkaniu 13. kolejki Primera Division FC Barcelona pokonała na wyjeździe Valencię 1:0. Wicemistrzowie Hiszpanii zdobyli gola w ostatnich sekundach meczu, a jeden z wściekłych kibiców trafił Leo Messiego w głowę... butelką. "Duma Katalonii" ...
Sebastian Mila chce odejść Lechii Gdańsk: Czy Śląsk zgodzi się na ...
Sport.pl - 1 Godzina temu
Wszystko wskazuje, że Sebastian Mila nie chce już grać w Śląsku. Na razie nie przyznał tego otwarcie, ale też nie zaprzeczył informacjom, iż zaakceptował propozycję przejścia do Lechii. Dziennikarzowi "Wyborczej" powiedział tylko, iż teraz nie chce o ...
Poleci do Lillehammer? Stoch może już wznowić treningi!
fakt.pl - 5 godz. temu
Kamil Stoch (27 l.) jest już po kolejnych badaniach. Decyzja o jego starcie w Lillehamer ma zostać podjęta jednak dopiero w środę. Stoch może już wznowić treningi! Kamil Stoch (27 l.) ma za sobą kolejne badania! Zdobywca Pucharu Świata może już ...
Wirtualna Polska
Oficjalnie: Henry opuszcza Nowy Jork. Co dalej?
Transfery.info - 2 godz. temu
Thierry Henry opublikował oświadczenie, w którym stwierdził, że jego przygoda z New York Red Bulls dobiegła końca. Thierry Henry | fot. New York Redbulls. Inne na temat: Thierry Henry · New York Red Bulls · Stany Zjednoczone · Francja · Arsenal FC.
Telewizja Republika
NBA: Jaki jest status Kobe Bryanta w historii NBA?
Telewizja Republika - 8 godz. temu
Ostatniej nocy 36-letni Kobe Bryant zanotował 20 w swoje karierze triple-double. W meczu z Toronto Raptors, zdobył 31 punktów, 12 asyst i 11 zbiórek, prowadząc L.A. Lakers do zwycięstwa 129:122. Tym samym jako pierwszy zawodnik w historii przekroczył ...
KSW29: Pudzianowski zmierzy się z Nastulą
Onet.pl - 2 godz. temu
Milik zwyzywany przez kibiców Legii? "Nic nie było słychać"
Wprost 24 - 8 godz. temu
Złota trójca - Ronaldo, Messi, Neuer
Sport.pl - 2 godz. temu
Adam Marciniak: zawiodłem drużynę, to nie jest przyjemne uczucie
Onet.pl - 3 godz. temu
Sekretna umowa Bayernu Monachium z Borussią Dortmund?
Onet.pl - 9 godz. temu
Juergen Klopp: czuję się odpowiedzialny, ale nie odchodzę
Onet.pl - 2 godz. temu
Legia przy pustym stadionie w europejskich pucharach?
Polskie Radio - 6 godz. temu
Barcelona pokonała Valencię rzutem na taśmę. Messi dostał butelką ...
Wprost 24 - 10 godz. temu
Oficjalnie: Henry opuszcza Nowy Jork. Co dalej?
Transfery.info - 2 godz. temu
Tajner: Bez paniki, to są skoki
Sport.pl - 2 godz. temu
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administrator, zalozyciel forum
Dołączył: 03 Gru 2005
Posty: 13038
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: okolice warszawy Płeć: Mezczyzna
Wysłany: Wtorek 1:19:19, 02 Grudzień 2014, Wtorek , 335 Temat postu: |
Najważniejsze artykuły
Nauka i technika
Nickelback na jedynym koncercie w Polsce
NaszeMiasto.pl - 7 godz. temu
Nickelback przygotowują trasę koncertową podczas której będą promować swój najnowszy album "No Fixed Address". Tournee rozpocznie się 30 września w Helsinkach, a zakończy na londyńskim Wembley 25 listopada. Będzie to ich dziesiąta światowa ...
Nickelback koncert w Polsce. Kapela zagra już za rok w Łódź Atlas ...Gazeta Wrocławska
Nickelback wraca do Polski. Na jeden koncertDziennik.pl
Polskie Radio
Zanussi: korporacje niszczą pracowników
Polskie Radio - 4 godz. temu
"Obce ciało" - film z Agatą Buzek, Agnieszką Grochowska i Weroniką Rosati w rolach głównych, to opowieść o mężczyźnie, który trafia do bezwzględnego świata korporacji rządzonej przez szefowe - kobiety. Krzysztof Zanussi opowiada o swym najnowszym ...
Wprost 24
Rockefellerowie opuszczają swój legendarny biurowiec
Wprost 24 - 5 godz. temu
Rodzina Rockefellerów opuszcza Rockefeller Center – swoją legendarną siedzibę na Manhattanie w Nowym Jorku, którą wybudowano w 1930 r. Rodzina Rockefellerów zajmowała w wieżowcu 30 Rockefeller Plaza, centralnym budynku Rockefeller Center, ...
Życie na największym wysypisku śmieci Europy. Polka nagrodzona ...
TVN24 - 5 godz. temu
Dokument "Nadejdą lepsze czasy" Hanny Polak zdobył nagrodę specjalną jury na prestiżowym festiwalu IDFA w Amsterdamie. Reżyserka, która ma na koncie nominację do Oscara, opowiada historię Juli mieszkającej na podmoskiewskiej Swałce, ...
Zespół Muse gwiazdą przyszłorocznego Orange Warsaw Festiwal
NaszeMiasto.pl - 3 godz. temu
Zespół Muse wystąpi na przyszłorocznym Orange Warsaw Festival. Impreza odbędzie się między 12 a 14 czerwca 2015 r. Wystąpi na niej trzydziestu wykonawców. [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] / Fot. Jessica S. Masz zdjęcie do tego tematu? Wyślij. Orange Warsaw ...
TVN nowym liderem, TVP1 i Polsat ze spadkami. 7 mln widzów „M ...
wirtualnemedia.pl - 18 minuty temu
W minionym tygodniu na pozycję lidera oglądalności w rynku telewizyjnym awansował TVN. Stacja ta pierwsze miejsce zajęła również wśród widzów w grupie komercyjnej. Szczegóły w tradycyjnym podsumowaniu tygodnia.
Polskie Radio
Ewa Wójciak pozywa miasto Poznań. "Zwolnili mnie z powodów ...
Polskie Radio - 9 godz. temu
Ewa Wójciak, odwołana szefowa Teatru Ósmego Dnia, domaga się 30 tys. zł odszkodowania. Twierdzi, że została zwolniona z powodów politycznych - podaje "Gazeta Wyborcza". Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, która wspiera Wójciak w tej sprawie, ...
Wirtualna Polska
TVP znalazła sposób na to, żeby ludzie płacili abonament
Wirtualna Polska - 1 Godzina temu
Strefa Widza - tak będzie się nazywać nowy serwis wideo na żądanie od TVP, który wystartuje w piątek 5 grudnia. Każdy kto płaci abonament radiowo-telewizyjny będzie miał bezpłatny dostęp do treści produkowanych przez TVP. Nawet tych premium.
Scarlett Johansson: Sekretny ślub!
Interia - 6 godz. temu
Scarlett Johansson jest ponownie mężatką! Aktorka poślubiła we wrześniu podczas sekretnej ceremonii dziennikarza Romaina Dauriaca - informuje plotkarski serwis "New York Post" - Page Six. Scarlett Johansson z mężem w czasach, gdy nie był jeszcze ...
Broken Age Act 2 niestety dopiero w przyszłym roku
Onet.pl - 9 godz. temu
Druga część Broken Age, przygodówki studia Double Fine, jednego z pierwszych sukcesów Kickstartera, pojawi się dopiero w 2015 roku, jak informują twórcy gry. Poleć. 0. Udostępnij. 0. Skomentuj. Komentarze. 0. Broken Age - czy Tim Schafer sprostał ...
Wprost 24
Gratka dla fanów Hansa Klossa
Wirtualna Polska - 6 godz. temu
W przyszłym roku miłośnicy serialu "Stawka większa niż życie" będą mogli zobaczyć mundury, w których swoich bohaterów grali Stanisław Mikulski i Emil Karewicz. Po zakończeniu zdjęć trafiły one do magazynu Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych we Wrocławiu.
Finałowy sezon serialu "Newsroom" od 8 grudnia w HBO
Wiadomosci 24 - 10 godz. temu
Kolejny, trzeci i zarazem ostatni sezon serialu Aarona Sorkina "Newsroom" od 8 grudnia na małym ekranie. Dostępny na kanale HBO i HBO GO. W roli głównej Jeff Daniels. / Fot. youtube/print screen W trzecim sezonie "Newsroom", dziennikarze będą ...
No Co Ty!?
Osi największą atrakcją... na meczu? FOTO
No Co Ty!? - 10 godz. temu
Zwyciężczyni czwartej edycji Top Model jak na razie cieszy się swoją wygraną i odwiedza programy śniadaniowe. My z kolei mamy nadzieję, że już wkrótce zobaczymy ją na okładce, wybiegu lub w kampanii reklamowej. Póki co Osi okazała się być ...
Małgorzata Rozenek i Radosław Majdan: to będzie ich pierwsza ...
Wirtualna Polska - 13 godz. temu
Już za kilka miesięcy Rozenek i Majdan wezmą ślub. Zarówno dla Małgosi jak i Radka to będzie trzecie podejście do przysięgania miłości i wierności do końca życia. Plotkuje się, że uroczystość ma być wystawna, na wysokim poziomie i oczywiście...
Radio Eska
hotplota.pl » Aleksandra Szwed W CIĄŻY: Czas na urlop!
Radio Eska - 7 godz. temu
Aleksandra Szwed w ciąży wygląda kwitnąco. Gwiazda, która do tej pory nie potwierdziła plotek o błogosławionym stanie stara się go ukryć także ciuchami. No i chyba się udaje - Aleksandra Szwed w ciąży nie została jeszcze przyłapana z większym ...
Wirtualna Polska
Hakerzy wykradli Sony filmy
Puls Biznesu - 10 godz. temu
Cztery wyprodukowane przez Sony Pictures Entertainment filmy, które nie wyszły jeszcze na DVD, zostały wykradzione przez hakerów i trafiły do sieci. Tagi. Świat, Ciekawostki z kraju i ze świata. To filmy „Annie”, „Mr Turner”, „Still Alice” i „To Write Love on ...
Gwiazda nowych „Gwiezdnych wojen” odpowiada na rasistowskie ...
Onet.pl - 11 godz. temu
John Boyega, który w filmie „Gwiezdne wojny: Przebudzenie Mocy” gra jedną z głównych ról, odpowiedział na złośliwe komentarze. Pojawienie się w sieci pierwszego zwiastuna, w którym widzimy aktora, wywołało spore poruszenie wśród internautów. Poleć ...
Popielewicz wspomina swój udział w wyborach Miss Polski
Kozaczek.pl - 1 Godzina temu
Już 7. grudnia Agnieszka Popielewicz (29 l.) razem z Zygmuntem Chajzerem poprowadzi jubileuszową, 25. galę wyborów Miss Polski. Z tej okazji dziennikarka zwierzyła się macierzystej stacji ze swego udziału w tychże wyborach. Miało to miejsce w 2005 ...
Janusz Józefowicz więził Nataszę Urbańską?! Aktorka szczerze o ...
fakt.pl - 6 godz. temu
Natasz Urbańska ujawnia nieznane fakty ze swojego małżeństwa z Januszem Józefowiczem. Okazuje się, że nie miała tyle swobody, ile by chciała... Ale tak naprawdę chyba było jej tak po prostu wygodnie. O co chodziło w tym dziwnym układzie męża i żony, ...
Polskie Radio
Nagroda Wielkiego Splendora dla Budzisz-Krzyżanowskiej i ...
Gazeta Wyborcza - 2 godz. temu
Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska i Wiktor Zborowski zostali laureatami Wielkiego Splendora - nagrody Teatru Polskiego Radia. Nagrody wręczono w poniedziałek podczas gali w Studiu Koncertowym Polskiego Radia im. Witolda Lutosławskiego w Warszawie.
Rockefellerowie opuszczają swój legendarny biurowiec
Wprost 24 - 5 godz. temu
Shia LaBeouf został zgwałcony: To nie było dobre doświadczenie
Dziennik.pl - 15 godz. temu
Urbańska: Janusz trzymał mnie w złotej klatce. Zawsze byłam na ...
Dziennik.pl - 12 godz. temu
Życie na największym wysypisku śmieci Europy. Polka nagrodzona ...
TVN24 - 5 godz. temu
Marlon Brando - pół wieku kariery pełnej wzlotów i upadków
Polskie Radio - 9 godz. temu
Nickelback na jedynym koncercie w Polsce
NaszeMiasto.pl - 7 godz. temu
Spacery myszką po Muzeum Narodowym
Polskie Radio - 7 godz. temu
Przepis na ciasto dyniowe. Ciasto dyniowe. Ciasto z dyni z orzechami
fakt.pl - 3 godz. temu
Scarlett Johansson: Sekretny ślub!
Interia - 6 godz. temu
Małgorzata Rozenek i Radosław Majdan: to będzie ich pierwsza ...
Wirtualna Polska - 13 godz. temu
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administrator, zalozyciel forum
Dołączył: 03 Gru 2005
Posty: 13038
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3 Skąd: okolice warszawy Płeć: Mezczyzna
Wysłany: Wtorek 1:21:32, 02 Grudzień 2014, Wtorek , 335 Temat postu: |
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Więcej informacji
Wyniki wyszukiwania
Kaganat – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Kaganat, chaganat – dawna, wschodnia forma monarchii, w której panujący władca nosił tytuł kagana zwanego chanem chanów lub wielkim chanem. Nazwa ...
Wsz. wyniki dla kaganat »
Zachodni darczyńcy najprawdopodobniej kupią resztki Ukrainy
Wirtualna Polonia-13 godz. temu
Nowiny z chazarskiego kaganatu przedstawia Eduard Hodos. ... że chazarski kaganat prawnie będzie on formalnie ukształtowany i, tak myślę, ...
Wirtualna Polonia-13 lis 2014
... antypolonizm&klezmeryzm – wszak gdyby analogicznie oświadczyła była iż w nosie ma holokałst, roszczenia telewiwy i kaganat chazarski z ...
Breyer Reflects on Judaism and Justice
Wall Street Journal (blog)-10 lis 2014
... I was 12 years old or 14,” he said, during a program with Justice Elena Kagan at the Jewish Federations of North America convention here.
Top US justice: Remarkably unremarkable that 3 Jews sit on ...
Haaretz-10 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 11 artykułów)
Дан online-30 lis 2014
To kako se ostrašćeni paganin, sin kneza Svjatoslava, velikog osvajača koji je razorio i Hazarski kaganat, odrekao bogova predaka i postao ...
Free Malaysia Today
Embrace interconnected world for nation-building
Daily Express-25 lis 2014
Listening to their views, however challenging it is, we will benefit from them," said Kagan at one of the forum's sessions titled 'Realising the ...
Supreme Court Justice Teases 'Opportunities' for Marriage Ruling
Advocate.com-10 lis 2014
Moderating a panel with Breyer and fellow Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan at the Jewish Federations of North America's General ...
The core of Zivotofsky: of passports, property, commerce, recognition ...
Just Security-14 lis 2014
(My hypo is similar to Justice Kagan's at oral argument–“Suppose that Congress passed a law . . . that the Secretary of States had to send an ...
US Federations' GA was part pep rally, part training session, part ...
The Times of Israel-11 lis 2014
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer making a point during a panel discussion also featuring Justice Elana Kagan at the 2014 General ...
The Munk Debate: Obama's foreign policy
The Globe and Mail-5 lis 2014
Robert Kagan: At the moment, it looks like it is not going to be a success because I don't think Iran is prepared to make any concessions on its ...
Wirtualna Polska
Walki w Doniecku: zginęły dwie cywilne osoby
Onet.pl-17 wrz 2014
Dwie osoby zginęły, a trzy odniosły obrażenia w walkach między prorosyjskimi separatystami a siłami rządowymi w Doniecku na wschodzie ...
Dr Jerzy Jaśkowski z cyklu listy do wnuczka: Jak banderowców ...
Wirtualna Polonia-31 sie 2014
Kagan był władcą i nawet po rozbiciu kaganatu Chazarskiego, aż do X-XI wieku nazywano władców tych terenów kaganami. Dopiero potem ...
Mnisi rzucili klątwę na Putina
Niedzela-26 wrz 2014
W tekście anatemy zarzucono mu, że jest „niszczycielem narodu rosyjskiego”, że wydał Rosję na „rozdarcie jej przez kaganat [dawna forma ...
Super Historia. Krótki żywot imperium Morawian
SE.pl-11 sie 2014
Kiedy na początku IX wieku armia Karola Wielkiego zniszczyła Kaganat Awarski (państwo koczowniczego plemienia Awarów), na terenach ...
Kienesa w Eupatorii
Onet.pl-10 kwi 2014
Po rosyjskiej aneksji Krymu żyjący tam Karaimi chcą mieć status rdzennej mniejszości. Przedstawicieli tego ludu o korzeniach semickich jest dziś na półwyspie ...
„Idea Wielkiej Ukrainy” – kolejny tekst autora zbanowanego przez ...
Wirtualna Polonia-24 mar 2014
Oto na przełomie VII i VIII stulecia, Kaganat Chazarski (od słowa kagan tj. przywódca) wszedł w okres walk wewnętrznych i osłabienia.
Ani - miasto tysiąca i jednego kościoła
Wirtualna Polska-13 maj 2014
W Turcji, na samym krańcu Anatolii, tuż przy granicy z Armenią, leży zrujnowane miasto Ani. To prawdziwy zakątek duchów - na równinie stoją ...
Wirtualna Polska
Dlaczego to Krym jest punktem zapalnym? To trzeba wiedzieć o ...
tokfm.pl-26 lut 2014
Sytuacja na Krymie staje się coraz bardziej napięta. Kreml mobilizuje Flotę Czarnomorską i wysyła do Sewastopola pojazdy opancerzone.
Justice Elena Kagan at the Aspen Ideas Festival
YouTube-29 cze 2013
Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan in a talk with George Washington University law professor Jeffrey Rosen. Kagan discusses privacy ...
Kagan hunts with buddy Scalia, bags deer
CNN International-2 lip 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 30 artykułów)
W rocznicę chrztu Rusi w Kijowie poświęcono nową katedrę
Onet.pl-18 sie 2013
Ponad dziesięć tysięcy osób uczestniczyło w niedzielę w Kijowie w organizowanych przez Ukraiński Kościół Greckokatolicki uroczystościach ...
Rosja: Putin ostrzega przed groźbą politycznego islamu
Onet.pl-22 paź 2013
Prezydent Rosji Władimir Putin wezwał we wtorek rosyjskich duchownych muzułmańskich, by przeciwstawiali się próbom wykorzystywania ...
The Next Nine Years
New York Times-1 paź 2014
Of today's justices, only Elena Kagan, at 54, is his junior. It has been an eventful nine terms for the court and its chief. Samuel A. Alito Jr., Justice ...
Democracy Requires a Patriotic Education
Wall Street Journal-26 wrz 2014
Adapted from remarks by Yale University historian and professor emeritus Donald Kagan at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn., Sept.
Justice Ginsburg Tells Students She Pulls All-Nighters, Too
Wall Street Journal-28 paź 2014
The court released the Texas order and the dissent, joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan , at 5:05 a.m.. Having turned in her ...
Lifelong learning program at Pikes Theatre gets rave reviews
Baltimore Sun-11 wrz 2014
... of Pikesville, listens to a Food for thought lecture given by Bais Yaakov history department chair Chana Kagan at the Pikes Theatre on July 1.
Fox News
DeWine, Husted reply to NAACP filing on early voting
Columbus Dispatch (blog)-28 wrz 2014
In legal papers filed with Kagan at shortly before noon, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Ohio Secretary of State asked Kagan to ...
Science on demand
Symmetry magazine-7 sie 2014
Professor David Kagan at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth taught another on-campus section of the special relativity course. One of ...
Broadway producers try novel way of raising money
Crain's New York Business-14 sie 2014
Janet and Howard Kagan at the 67th Annual Tony Awards in 2013. Photo: Associated Press. A pair of Tony-award winning producers are ...
The scary part of the Supreme Court's cellphone ruling
Washington Post-26 cze 2014
That Supreme Court ruling on cellphones was supposed to be reassuring. The government needs a warrant to search your phone, the court ...
TW boss looking to claw back cash from HBO's distributors
New York Post-30 lip 2014
HBO ended 2013 with 29.3 million subscribers, according to SNL Kagan. At year-end in 2009, HBO was at 28.9 million subscribers.
A Deal-Making Touch Honed in the Minority
New York Times-19 cze 2014
He sat with Justice Elena Kagan at President Obama's 2013 inauguration, and once had Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. call his mother on ...
A Lawyer's Anti-Gay-Marriage Losing Streak
New Yorker-30 maj 2014
This, then, is Nimocks's best response to the argument (raised by Justice Elena Kagan at the oral arguments) that marriage is about more than ...
Honoring Robert A. Kagan
RegBlog (blog)-11 lip 2014
What explains why some companies comply with the law when other companies don't? Can government officials induce better regulatory ...
Where's the Coverage? Palestinians Want to Eliminate Israel
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (blog)-1 lip 2014
A poll commissioned by The Washington Institute and conducted by a leading Palestinian pollster shows that a clear majority of Palestinians, ...
Women in Power Know Nina
Wall Street Journal-2 lip 2014
So does PepsiCo Chief Executive Indra Nooyi, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. At ...
Proactive Investors USA & Canada
Jeff Kagan: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint Connected Car Opportunity
Equities.com-22 kwi 2014
We have watched the wireless space grow and change over the years, and change other industries as well. Healthcare, for instance, and ...
Around Annapolis: Maryland Senior Olympics to feature local croquet
CapitalGazette.com-18 wrz 2014
For more information email Dan Kagan at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Fannie Lou Hamer Awards Reception. The 19th annual Fannie ...
Truth Check: Lee Bright ad paints Lindsey Graham as 'pretend ...
WYFF Greenville-15 maj 2014
In 2010, Graham broke with own party, voting to confirm Kagan. At the time, Graham said Kagan had "good character" and would "serve the ...
For Goldman's New Strategy Officer, Putting the Bank Back in Banker
New York Times-3 cze 2014
... billion in loans on its books, compared with about $4.6 billion in the first quarter of 2009, according to data from SNL Kagan. At the same time, ...
The Beltway Media Gets the Iraq War Band Back Together
The Nation. (blog)-18 cze 2014
Who would fall for such a transparent attempt by Kristol and Kagan at avoiding accountability for their mistakes while simultaneously ...
SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan Officiates Her First Gay Wedding
Towleroad-22 wrz 2014
Kagan presided on Sunday over the wedding of former clerk Mitchell Reich and Patrick Pearsall in the Washington suburb of Chevy Chase, ...
A Globalist's Plea to Stay the Course of World Order
The New American-27 cze 2014
When Robert Kagan (shown on right) writes, the Powers That Be in New York and Washington tend to take notice. A contributing editor for the ...
US should aid Syria to get rid of ISIS: Analyst
Press TV-20 cze 2014
And I am talking about Kimberly Kagan at the Institute for the Study of War, Frederick Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute, Donald Kagan ...
Zapomenuté výročí. Svjatoslav porazil Chazarský kaganát. A co ...
Freeglobe.cz-6 lip 2014
3. července uplynulo totiž právě ***** let od bitvy, ve které kníže Svjatoslav porazil Chazarský kaganát, představující do té doby jeden z ...
The Supreme Court Justices, Ranked by Their Tech Savvy in the ...
Mashable-22 kwi 2014
... Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Justice Stephen Breyer and Justice Elena Kagan at the ...
Eric Nyquist named a 2014 Education Foundation Distinguished ...
Albert Lea Tribune-23 sie 2014
... his civil procedure instructor was Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. At the business school Nyquist worked under several Nobel laureates ...
Lefty Pundits Distort Unanimous Supreme Court Ruling to Smear ...
NewsBusters (blog)-17 cze 2014
The question of whether “somebody should be able to get into federal court,” in the words of Justice Kagan at oral argument, united both the left ...
Top Tech News
Did T-Mobile 'Cram' Customers? FTC Wants To Know
NewsFactor Network-2 lip 2014
... said Atlanta-based wireless analyst Jeff Kagan. “At this point, I'm inclined to give T-Mobile the benefit of the doubt, because we don't have all ...
MassMutual looking for students to participate in Summer Legal ...
MassLive.com-13 maj 2014
... an all-expenses-paid trip to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington where they will meet Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan at a luncheon.
Edmonton Journal
Long Wielding Power Behind the Scenes, Now Taking Her Leave
New York Times-8 mar 2014
Alyssa Mastromonaco, second from left, with the president, the vice president and federal emergency management and homeland security ...
*****;рымские татары возобновляют национально-освободительное ...
NEWSru.ua-23 mar 2014
О намерении возобновить национально-освободительное движение крымских татар, сообщил председатель рабочей группы по ...
Karl Marx: Communist leader and blatant racist
DigiNews-28 maj 2014
The following text contains quotes attributed to Karl Marx and others in which abhorrent words are used. They have been redacted, but remain ...
Kagan: “The Dumbest Thing I Ever Heard”
National Review Online-1 kwi 2014
That's how Elena Kagan, at her 2009 confirmation hearing for the position of Solicitor General, characterized, and thereby distanced herself ...
Ashley Cummins meets Alexa Grasso in the Invicta cage
Cage Pages-10 lip 2014
She dropped a decision to Emily Kagan at Invicta FC 6 in 2013. Prior to that fight she lost to Joanne Calderwood at Invicta FC 3. Cummins went ...
Kagan at West Point: A Speech You Might Hear More About
Wall Street Journal (blog)-11 maj 2010
constitutioncorner Undoubtedly, over the next handful of weeks, as people pore over her papers and closely read her remarks, we're going to ...
Ekspert: Indbyggerne i Raqqa må vænne sig til Islamisk Stat
Denmarks Radio-15 paź 2014
... amerikanske militærstrategiske eksperter, Frederick W. Kagan og Kimberley Kagan, at den nuværende strategi i kampen mod Islamisk Stat ...
Remarks by the President and Elena Kagan at Reception Honoring ...
The White House (blog)-6 sie 2010
THE PRESIDENT: This is a good day. (Laughter.) Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the White House. I am pleased that all of you could ...
Obama praises his incoming Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ...
New York Daily News-6 sie 2010
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 311 artykułów)
Giant gold nugget found: Over 6 pounds, huge piece called 'Butte ...
Examiner.com-23 paź 2014
Despite some less than savory issues with con artists and false representations in the past, Kagan at last feels he has found a real prize in this ...
Kazakhstan 1000 tenge banknote named best in the world
Tengrinews-8 maj 2014
... Turkic Kaganat) has been acknowledged The Banknote of the Year by the International Banknote Society contest (IBNS), Tengrinews reports ...
Washington Post
Obama Gives Americans the Foreign Policy They Want
Newser-27 mar 2014
... observes Robert Kagan at the Washington Post. So why, then, are his approval ratings on foreign policy so dismal, hovering as they are in ...
Alyssa Mastromonaco Is Quitting Obama's Team: Her Power Was ...
The Inquisitr-9 mar 2014
She took only two days off to be married by Justice Elena Kagan at the Supreme Court. The only witnesses were two of Alyssa Mastromonaco's ...
Sectional Sofas: Legos You Can Sit On
New York Times-19 mar 2014
The Omnibus Interior Landscapes by Vladimir Kagan, at the Ralph Pucci International showroom in Chelsea, offered a case in point. Although ...
With Kagan at Helm, Law School Celebrates
Harvard Crimson-13 lut 2007
Law School Dean Elena Kagan, right, shares a laugh with students and faculty at a celebration in her honor yesterday in Harkness Commons.
After Trying Times, at Last Something to Celebrate
New York Times-6 gru 2013
Ms. Galison was a steady, calming presence for Mr. Kagan, at the hospital and again when his mother died, in September 2011. “She told me ...
Crimée : le droit à la foi
Voix de la Russie-17 kwi 2014
... même en dépit de la conquête de la presqu'île par les tribus turcophones de Khazars et la formation du kaganat Khazar, qui existera près de ...
Robert P. George: Thanksgiving and Hanukkah spell re-dedication ...
The Providence Journal-29 lis 2013
As the nation celebrates Thanksgiving, Jewish Americans are also commemorating Hanukkah, the eight-day Feast of Dedication. Interestingly ...
New York Daily News
At CES, Dish shows off ability to record 8 TV shows at once
Denver Post-6 sty 2014
... of (pay-TV) service providers as home integrators of entertainment," said Ian Olgeirson, a senior analyst with SNL Kagan at the conference.
Our View: If GOP loses White House in 2016, party will be courting ...
LubbockOnline.com-15 gru 2013
If Sotomayor at then-70 and Kagan at then-64 were joined by three, four or five like-minded colleagues, conservatives could be pulling out their ...
Hey, isn't that...?: Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan at dinner
Washington Post (blog)-9 sty 2011
Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan dining at Buck's Fishing & Camping Friday night. The justices met at the Chevy Chase restaurant and ...
US Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to deliver Albritton Lecture ...
al.com (blog)-25 wrz 2013
Then-Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan arrives for her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Monday, June 28 ...
Elena Kagan: Not all government is dysfunctional
YouTube-16 paź 2013
The youngest Supreme Court Justice and former Dean of Harvard Law School talks about creating great culture and communicating without ...
CBS News
The GOP Tries to Pink-Slip Obama's DC Court Picks
Businessweek-6 cze 2013
... Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan at President Obama's State of the Union address on Feb. 12.
Supreme Court Justices Aren't Very Tech Savvy, Elena Kagan Says
Huffington Post-20 sie 2013
Kagan, at age 53 the youngest and most recently appointed justice, said communication among the justices is the same as when she clerked ...
With US set to exit Afghanistan, is legalizing the Taliban the way to ...
Christian Science Monitor-5 lis 2013
asked Dr. Kagan at a Foreign Policy Initiative discussion last month. Retired Gen. Jack Keane, a former vice chief of staff for the Army and now ...
Former Top General Offers Leadership Lesson to Wartime Presidents
U.S. News & World Report-20 mar 2013
Keane spoke with Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute Tuesday afternoon on the 10th anniversary of the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, ...
Ako uđe u Rusiju Krim ostaje žedan
Vesti-15 mar 2014
Suštinsko pitanje za budućnost Krima jesu posledice po privredu ako to poluostrvo odluči da preseče veze s Ukrajinom i pripoji se Rusiji.
Iraq, Iran Forge New Relationship
Voice of America-24 paź 2013
Another Washington analyst, Fred Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute, said Iraq charts its own course, but often works in concert with ...
Elizabeth Wilkins and Graham Lake
New York Times-24 sie 2013
Next year, she is to become a law clerk for Associate Justice Elena Kagan at the Supreme Court. The bride graduated from Yale, where in May ...
Clinton And Koch — A Day Of Departures
ABC News (blog)-1 lut 2013
Kerry introduced Kagan at her Supreme Court nomination hearings in 2010. Kerry's first official day will be Monday, but a State Department ...
Why Obama and Romney Don't Talk About the Supreme Court
The Atlantic-17 paź 2012
President Obama and Elena Kagan at a reception for the justice after her confirmation. (Jason Reed/Reuters). The words "Supreme Court" ...
Rem Rieder: Supreme Court should rethink ban on cameras
USA TODAY-28 lut 2013
In the classic Pulp Fiction, Jules (played by Samuel L. Jackson) asks his fellow hit man, Vincent (John Travolta): "You know the shows on TV?".
How good was David Petraeus?
New Yorker-9 gru 2012
... by retired General Jack Keane and Fred Kagan, at the American Enterprise Institute. Kaplan portrays Petraeus as quietly political, working a ...
The Atlantic
Eric Cantor at the Aspen Ideas Festival Afternoon of Conversation ...
YouTube-30 cze 2013
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor talks with Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor of the National Review at the Aspen Ideas Festival Afternoon of ...
Genetic Breast Cancer Testing: Big Business, and a Big Lawsuit
Wall Street Journal (blog)-14 maj 2013
Justice Elena Kagan at one point alluded to such concerns, describing the Patent and Trademark Office as “patent-happy.” The Supreme Court ...
Data, Risk Aversion, and Social Investing Dominate Donors' Concerns
Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription)-19 kwi 2013
“I did better getting cooperation with Elena Kagan at Harvard,” he said, referring to the Supreme Court associate justice when she was dean of ...
Jeffrey Rosen Discusses Privacy Issues Associated with the PRISM ...
YouTube-1 lip 2013
"Matter of Debate: Is Privacy Paramount or Should We Live in a Transparent Society?" at the 2013 Aspen Ideas Festival. Underwritten by Booz ...
Lake Wylie Pilot
Unlikely hunting buds: Elena Kagan, Antonin Scalia
New York Post-20 wrz 2013
LEXINGTON, Ky. — Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan says her hunting outings with fellow Justice Antonin Scalia began with an offhand ...
Joint judiciary committee hearings on Colorado's parole policies ...
The Denver Channel-25 wrz 2013
Marchetta asked Kagan, "At this point do you think the DOC will be compelled to give you the specifics you're looking for to insure your ...
Dunkin' Donuts Is Trying To Trademark The 'Bagel Bunchkin,' Which ...
Business Insider-16 paź 2012
Aaron Kagan at Eater points out that bagels don't have leftover scraps, since they're not made by poking out a hole. "Bagels are made by ...
CNBC Prime Premieres New Reality Series "The Profit" Tuesday ...
CNBC.com-10 cze 2013
... CGI capabilities. THE Company is represented by Michael Kagan at ICM and Bill Abrams of Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP.
New Yorker
Supreme Court justices get extra income from writing, teaching
Columbus Dispatch-9 cze 2013
Thomas taught at George Washington University Law School; Kagan at Harvard College; Scalia at John Marshall Law School, St. John's ...
Worse Than The AP Phone Scandal
CounterPunch-17 maj 2013
Elena Kagan (at the time Obama's Solicitor General appointee) formally assisted Holder in his argument. Holder and Kagan won the case.
Fight Path: Invicta 5's Rose Namajunas on drive, mental health ...
MMAjunkie.com-28 lut 2013
She made her professional debut in January at Invicta 4, where she beat Emily Kagan at the 3:44 mark of the third round by rear-naked choke.
Ashley Cummins Nearly Lost Her Sight but Still Found Her Way ...
Bleacher Report-12 lip 2013
Cummins will cap off the Invicta FC prelims this weekend when she faces Greg Jackson student Emily Kagan at the event from Kansas City, MO ...
7 Things You Need to Know About Invicta 6: Santos vs. Coenen ...
Bleacher Report-11 lip 2013
Invicta FC 6 is set to continue the company's tradition of providing wall-to-wall excitement. Invicta FC competitors fight with true grit, ...
The National Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition revs up in North Chuck
Charleston City Paper-24 kwi 2013
Nelson met Kagan at a conference, and after Kagan offered some sound advice, she was invited to adjudicate the exhibition this year.
Rudolf L. Mössbauer (1929–2011)
Nature.com (subscription)-20 paź 2011
... and with Yuri Kagan at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. Mössbauer became a foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982.
Targeting oxidative stress in Huntington's Disease
HDBuzz-3 gru 2012
In 2005, the group of Valerian Kagan at the University of Pittsburgh described new and improved anti-oxidant molecules. The special feature of ...
Post Newsletters & Alerts
Washington Post (blog)-16 wrz 2012
Cita Sunatgan, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sondra Radvanovsky, and Justice Elena Kagan at the post-performance dinner of "Anna Bolena.
5 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way with Startups.com
The Next Web-15 lip 2012
Closing thought: I took something I read from Internet entrepreneur Jason Calacanis when I emailed Noah Kagan at AppSumo to say: “You win.
Above the Law's Top Ten Most Popular Posts of 2012
Above the Law-31 gru 2012
... of his students in a ceremony officiated by Justice Elena Kagan at the Supreme Court of the United States? Rumors and juicy gossip galore!
Śledź na bieżąco wyniki dla zapytania kaganat.
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Running Time: 77 minutes
Film Threat-8 gru 2013
There are conspiracy theories… and then there's NESARA. As far as conspiracy theories go, this one's a doozie. I mean, this one's so ...
The Stage Has Been Set For Disclosure NESARA Announcements
SpeakingTree (blog)-7 wrz 2013
After a full day of preparation in the Higher Realms from Earth, on August 25, 2013 the Stage was Set for the Announcement of NESARA Law ...
Szczyt G8 będzie poświęcony m.in. kwestii syryjskiej i rajom ...
Onet.pl-16 cze 2013
Szczyt G8, który rozpocznie się w poniedziałek w Irlandii Północnej, miał być poświęcony przede wszystkim walce z rajami podatkowymi i ...
Pociągi dojadą do Kudowy Zdroju jeszcze w 2013 r.
Onet.pl-2 paź 2013
Dobiega końca modernizacja linii kolejowej Duszniki Zdrój - Kudowa Zdrój, na którą przeznaczono ponad 65 mln zł. Pociągi pojadą tamtędy ...
MH17 conspiracy theories
Stuff.co.nz-20 lip 2014
A barely coherent post on the popular "awareness blog" Nesara News claims MH17 was cancelled because the radar site FlightRadar24.com ...
Kiedy można dokonać rozbiórki budynku bez pozwolenia?
Gazeta Prawna-4 mar 2013
Co zrobić w sytuacji, gdy mamy na działce starą szopę albo altanę, która się rozsypuje? Najlepiej ją wyburzyć – ale żeby uniknąć problemów z ...
ABC News
Our Cold War With Russia Could Turn Hot
Antiwar.com-3 wrz 2014
As the NATO summit approaches, and Ukraine's ruthless war on its eastern provinces sets off an exodus of nearly a million refugees to Russia, ...
Did Certain Foreign Governments Facilitate the 9/11 Attacks?
Antiwar.com-29 sie 2014
Some thirteen years after the event, the shadow of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the Pentagon still ...
California repeals law banning bitcoin
ZDNet-30 cze 2014
Californian Governor, Jerry Brown, has signed a bill making bitcoin legal in the state, along with other forms of money issued by companies, ...
Toronto Star
Iraq War III: Obama's 'Operation Doubletalk'
Antiwar.com-12 wrz 2014
In the run-up to World War II, Franklin Roosevelt played the role of the reluctant warmonger. Rather than initiating the action, he took care to be ...
New York Daily News
The New Meaning of 'Isolationism'
Antiwar.com-23 lip 2014
Washington, D.C., is a world unto itself: inside the bubble, where politicians and their kept pundits endlessly massage each others' egos (and ...
ISIS: Made in Washington, Riyadh – and Tel Aviv
Antiwar.com-25 sie 2014
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is being touted as the newest "threat" to the American homeland: hysterics have pointed to Chicago as ...
Fox News Latino
The Coming Storm
Antiwar.com-15 cze 2014
The defeat of Eric Cantor – GOP House majority leader and a leading light of the party's neoconservative-corporatist wing – has the pundits in ...
Glenn Beck: Conquering Hero?
PJ Media-25 sie 2014
In an ongoing effort to revamp HLN, Time Warner's CNN has been talking to Glenn Beck's The Blaze as a possible partner, an individual with ...
Decision on field trials for GM crops in Mysore region draws flak
The Hindu-24 lip 2014
The signatories included representatives of Nesara Farmers' Market, Jeevamrutha, Nature Store, Nisarga, Bhoomitai Balaga, Karunadu ...
El loco mensaje que plantea la abducción del avión malasio y que ...
Diario Uno-17 mar 2014
(NESARA es un acrónimo que hace referencia a una supuesta ley estadounidense conocida como National Economic Security and ...
Federación Galáctica asegura haber secuestrado avión malayo
Radio Ñanduti-17 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 artykuły)
Inside Look: Hidden Erosion of Corporate Worth Since the ...
Elliott Wave-8 maj 2014
For 173 years, the United States used money as a medium of exchange. In 1965, it switched to using a floating accounting unit. This change ...
Atheist's Trip to Heaven Goes Viral
Guardian Liberty Voice-12 paź 2014
A man raised as an atheist shares his incredible testimony of a trip where he said he went to Heaven and visited with Jesus. He was raised in a ...
International Wine Festival receives huge response; Bangaloreans ...
Daily News & Analysis-28 lip 2014
Rudragowdar, the owner of Nesara Vine Yard stall from Bagalkotte, told dna, "There is suitable climate, soil and fresh water to grow enriched ...
Vandalism With A Cause: Anti-Homeless Spikes Neutralized
The Inquisitr-17 cze 2014
But those who felt strongly about the same, came-up with a clever, though illegal, solution; drown the spikes in concrete, reported Nesara News ...
Nowe urządzenie chłodzi 10 razy szybciej niż lodówka
Wirtualna Polska-7 gru 2011
Portugalscy naukowcy opracowali nowoczesną technologię chłodniczą. Skonstruowana "lodówko-mikrofalówka" schładza żywność 10 razy ...
New Documentary Examines NESARA Conspiracy Theory
PR Web (press release)-17 sty 2007
"Waiting For NESARA" - a new documentary about a group of ex-Mormons awaiting the announcement of a secret law which they believe will ...
Times of India
Greenwald Against the Establishment
Antiwar.com-15 maj 2014
Glenn Greenwald's new book, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State, is many things: an account of his ...
Try and Try Again: Obama's Silent Coups
Antiwar.com-21 lut 2014
Last night, as I watched the television news, there were consecutive stories on massive street protests in Ukraine and Venezuela. They were all ...
The Hindu
The satellite images of 'objects' in the ocean that could solve ...
South China Morning Post-20 mar 2014
Satellite imagery from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority shows objects 2,500 kilometres southwest of Perth that could be debris from the ...
National Post
Official: Malaysian investigators conclude missing airliner hijacked
CBS News-15 mar 2014
... and institute Nesara for all people. For more detailed info visit the Hollow Earth Network and select the most recent broadcast from Zorra.
Terror victims seek Internet assets owned by Iran
San Diego Jewish World-24 cze 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release) — A group of American victims of terror and family members of those who have been injured or killed in ...
A beach town beckons
Deccan Herald-2 cze 2014
Kshitija Nesara Dhama, managed by the Karnataka Department of Forests, provides some basic facilities for the tourists at the top of the hill.
Weltherrschaft von langer Hand geplant einem Ziel entgegen
Buergerstimme - Nachrichten ehrlich und direkt-16 sie 2014
Wie damals NESARA. Letzteres hat sich nie erfüllt, da sich etliche Mächte dagegen stemmten und die Manifestation des Gesetzes verhinderten ...
The Gate News
Video: Two GOP reps announce support for legalizing illegals
Hot Air-22 kwi 2014
No surprise in either case. They're both from the blue state of Illinois (albeit from reliably Republican districts) and have broken with ...
Impersonator Caught During COMED-K Test
The New Indian Express-11 maj 2014
Nesara B L, a medical aspirant, said the test was easier than the Common Entrance Test, but felt she could have done better in math.
The bhava and geeta of Ashwath
The Hindu-13 mar 2014
“Nesara Nodu” works as a composition in contrast. In this brilliant melody-centric composition, Ashwath writes such a stunning rhythm score ...
Stiv Neš završio karijeru?! (VIDEO)
Mozzart Sport-24 paź 2014
... ,Stodemajer bas su razbijali kako su igrali . + 6 - 0 brat zvezdas. 25.10.2014 10:42. HVALA TI NESARA ZA SVE STO SI DAO NASOJ ZVEZDI!
Missing MH370: Indonesia strongly denies withholding
Jakarta Post-19 mar 2014
In a strongly-worded statement, the Indonesian embassy hit out at a Malaysian Malay daily for claiming that it had not released radar data that ...
Supreme Court Offers Opinion, Doesn't Make Law
Tenth Amendment Center-7 lut 2014
Whenever state laws are overturned by the Supreme Court, such decisions are often cited as repudiation against any sort of argument for their ...
ABC News
Through snow, ice and cold, the March for Life will go on
Religion News Service-22 sty 2014
(RNS) Snow, ice and below-freezing weather won't stop thousands of people from across the country taking to the National Mall in Washington, ...
حجز حوالي 2,5 طن من المخدرات بميناء طنجة المتوسط / فيديو
مجلة طنجة نيوز-29 paź 2014
أفاد مصدر جمركي من ميناء طنجة المتوسط أنه تم اليوم الاربعاء، إحباط محاولة تهريب أزيد من طنين من مخدرات الشيرا. وأوضح المصدر ذاته أنه خلال عملية مراقبة ...
Tennessee bill takes on NSA encryption-breaking facility at Oak Ridge
Tenth Amendment Center-22 sty 2014
The state-level effort to turn off water and electricity to the National Security Agency (NSA) got a major boost today as legislators in Tennessee ...
新浪网 (博客)-28 paź 2014
红花海滨猫 · UFO真相揭露107_2/2ElizabethTrutwin解释全局_“大揭露”“大宣布”和NESARA全面观2013.05.20 · 致以最好的祝福 · 更多>>. 推荐商讯.
Teorías de conspiración para acontecimientos misteriosos
Primera Hora-5 wrz 2014
... al interior de la Tierra y presionar a los gobiernos del mundo a firmar la Ley NESARA, que minaría para siempre el poder de los banqueros.
Un proyecto futurista compite por ser el próximo helicóptero de ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales-5 lip 2014
La empresa estadounidense AVX (Texas) ha presentado su proyecto de nuevo helicóptero a la comisión de las Fuerzas Armadas de los ...
أم سورية تناشد الملك
هسبريس-3 sie 2014
Dans quelqus annes ,nous voyant ce que va passer chez notre Maroc !ha lkohale,ha nesara,ha leyhoud,ha chiaa(Iran) Allah yasetar.
El ébola se contagia a través de un meme y otras conspiraciones ...
Pulzo-15 paź 2014
De acuerdo con información del portal Nesara Network, en el incidente que se presentó en la frontera entre Rusia y Ucrania murió Gleen ...
El Periódico de Catalunya
Australia encuentra posibles objetos del avión malasio ...
Antena 3 Noticias-20 mar 2014
Un avión de la Fuerza Aérea Australiana se dirige hasta el punto donde se han localizado dos objetos que podrían pertenecer a la aeronave.
Mais où est passé le vol MH370 ?
Paris Match-20 mar 2014
Paul Weeks, mineur de profession, a eu un mauvais pressentiment. Quelques heures avant de prendre le vol MH370 de Malaysia Airlines, le 7 ...
Detectan señal que podría ser de avión desaparecido
El Universal-5 kwi 2014
El accidente va a ser el propulsor de la ley NESARA a nivel mundial. Reply · Like. · April 8 at 2:46pm. Add a Reply... Facebook social plugin.
El avión desaparecido de Malaysa Airlines se desvió utilizando un ...
Antena 3 Noticias-18 mar 2014
Cuando se cumple más de una semana de que el avión de Malaysia Airlines desapareció sin dejar rastro, unas informaciones nuevas hacen ...
网易-21 lip 2014
据发布在“Nesara News”上的一篇帖子声称,MH17航班被取消了,因为著名航班追踪网站FlightRadar24.com也把MH17航班归于取消行列。
Austràlia localitza dos objectes més que podrien ser de l'avió de ...
El Periódico de Catalunya-24 mar 2014
... y la seguridad de los pasajeros, y una nueva demanda para los países en todo el mundo a participar en la iniciación de la ley NESARA.
Barry Seal, the CIA camp in Lacombe, and the JFK Assassination
MadCow Morning News-20 lis 2013
It was in the sun-drenched Albuquerque study of one of America's most prominent historians—a Guggenheim Fellow and a National Book ...
NSA links to St Petersburg FL Drug Ring
MadCow Morning News-15 lis 2013
Skyway Global LLC, the St. Petersburg, FL company that owned the DC-9 airline busted in Mexico carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine, made its ...
Steuertrick: US-Konzerne parken Rekord-Summen im Ausland
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten-9 kwi 2014
... um 10:00 Uhr Ortszeit – also etwa eine Stunde nach den ersten Zerstörungen – sollte eine mächtige Reform namens NESARA veröffentlicht ...
Las teorías más disparatadas sobre la desaparición del avión malayo
Publico.es-19 mar 2014
... de negociar la firma mundial de la Ley NESARA que -según se comenta en círculos conspiranoicos- acaba con el poder de los banqueros.
¿Dónde está el avión malasio? Desde teorías de conspiración hasta ...
Pijama Surf-20 mar 2014
... interior de la Tierra para presionar a los gobiernos del mundo a firmar la Ley NESARA, que minaría para siempre el poder de los banqueros.
A Manifesto for the Truth
Antiwar.com-3 lis 2013
In a very short time, the world has learned much about unaccountable secret agencies and about sometimes illegal surveillance programs.
Queen's High School junior prizegiving
Otago Daily Times-6 gru 2013
... mathematics, diligence science); Cheyenne Mamanu-Grupplear (excellence dance, merit physical education and health); Nesara McBratney ...
Stow Sentry
Woman cited by Obama as ObamaCare success story … can't afford ...
Hot Air-19 lis 2013
When she signed up for coverage for herself and her son in October, the Washington state O-Care exchange quoted her a monthly premium of ...
Can Treaties Override the Constitution?
Tenth Amendment Center-13 lis 2013
One of the most common questions posed to me when I discuss the Constitution on talk radio is “Can a treaty override the Constitution?
Un radar tailandés detectó una señal que podría corresponder con ...
Antena 3 Noticias-19 mar 2014
Radares militares de Tailandia detectaron la noche del 8 de marzo señales de un aparato no identificado justo después de que el avión de ...
Debata k blogu
Pravda.sk-14 maj 2014
... vyhlásenia zákona N.E.S.A.R.A. (http://nesara.co/the-connection-between-911-… a [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]) Jeho vyhlásenie je ...
Anger Builds In Italy As Old Guard Plots Fresh Technocrat Take-over
Business Insider-3 mar 2013
Italy's president Giorgio Napolitano is exploring the creation of a second technocrat government to break the political log-jam and calm markets ...
US-Ökonom prophezeite 2012: Am 4. März 2014 kommt der Crash
Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten-3 mar 2014
Der US-Ökonom Grady Means sagte im Oktober voraus: Am 4. März 2014 werde die US-Wirtschaft zusammenbrechen. Die Folge: ...
Rizopoulos Post
Θηλυκός Νονός η Μέρκελ;
Ελευθεροτυπία-10 mar 2014
«Ο τρόπος που η Μέρκελ διαχειρίζεται την εξουσία έχει μαφιόζικα χαρακτηριστικά», λέει στο ντοκιμαντέρ η «Νονά» η Γκέρτρουντ Χέλερ, ...
JP Morgan quiere competir con el bitcóin y patenta un sistema de ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales-12 gru 2013
Mientras los internautas siguen entusiasmados con bitcóin, la única moneda digital del mundo, el gigante de la banca estadounidense ...
Excongresista de EE.UU.: "El bitcóin podría participar en la ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales-11 gru 2013
El excongresista estadounidense Ron Paul, afirmó que la moneda virtual bitcóin podría tomar parte en la potencial "caída" de la divisa ...
UFODigest-29 paź 2013
Representing the Third Eye Chakra and mankind's innate intuitive abilities, Kuan Yin is worshiped throughout India (as the male god ...
Wall Street Journal
Union leaders: ObamaCare will “destroy the very health and ...
Hot Air-15 lip 2013
Bear in mind that Big Labor went to bat for ObamaCare in a big way throughout the months-long debate over its passage. When Tea Party ...
Mangalore: Young journos awarded at Golden Insignia Awards
Daijiworld.com-27 sie 2013
P B Harish Rai from Vijayavani, Suresh Kumar from Coastal digest, Sanchia Nazaeth from Daijiworld, Nesara Kadanakuppe from Prajavani, ...
How Much Gold Does China Really Have?...
Daily Reckoning-8 lut 2013
“China's demand is robust” they'll say. “China may overtake India as the top gold consumer” they'll add. “Exports rise year over year” the chatter ...
Why Is Batman against Mass Murderers?
Christian Post (blog)-29 lip 2012
... behavior of slaughtering innocent strangers and then calmly surrendering to police (rather than shooting it out or killing himself), the NESARA ...
Shocker: Donations from media companies go largely to Obama
Hot Air-23 sie 2012
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! According to the Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets), the New York-based realm of the ...
This house believes that an economy cannot succeed without a big ...
The Economist-27 cze 2011
I am truly of the belief that as soon as NESARA is implemented, ... of the world's population are remotely aware of the existence of NESARA.
¿Quién diseñó el cierre del Gobierno de EE.UU. para chantajear a ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales-21 paź 2013
NESARA fue una verdade...ra ley creada como resultado de una ... UU. y los bancos en 1993, y NESARA iba a resolver este problema legal.
US Supreme Court door closing sparks dissents
Politico-3 maj 2010
With two dissents, the U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday that, for security reasons, the public will no longer be able enter the court ...
Video: ObamaCare diagnosed in one sentence
Hot Air-10 wrz 2012
Note to amateur grammarians: Don't try to diagram this sentence at home. Via Andrew Malcolm, a physician running for the Illinois State Senate ...
ТОП-10 самых бредовых теорий заговора
СЕГОДНЯ-21 wrz 2013
... National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (NESARA, Акт о стабилизации и восстановлении национальной экономики) накануне ...
SpeakingTree (blog)-31 lip 2013
Enactment of NESARA. Become it. As long as you are thinking WHEN? When can never come. Plan it into your day and there it is. Make it so.
Clarifying the purpose of Occupy Wall Street
OpEdNews-18 paź 2011
The Occupy Wall Street protest is a classic example of a decentralized organization. There is no leader, no central organizing committee, and ...
How to Stop Greedy Banks From Killing US Capitalism
Money Morning-6 kwi 2010
A white paper on bank reform delivered to Congress and regulators last week by the Association of Mortgage Investors – the powerful lobbying ...
Tulu Sahitya Academy Awards Conferred, Coastal Language Hailed
Daijiworld.com-16 cze 2012
A skit 'Tittiri Majal' by artistes of Nesara, Guthigar was staged prior to the stage programme. Later, a Tulu drama 'Tulunada Beere Devu Poonje' ...
Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack
YouTube-3 maj 2009
Nesara Exposed!End time Deceptions!by kizvegmx; 22:13. Play next; Play now. Constitution Halts Sheriff by Ben Gilroy 599,363 views; 8:53.
Dr Lekha Pandit
Daijiworld.com-31 paź 2009
So far the Mangalore chapter of MSSI has about 40 registered members in the form of patients or their family members and the society has ...
Camp Lejeune's Sickness and Unexpected Déjà Vu
Salem-News.Com-9 sie 2010
The people who fight this battle every day are ill veterans and family members. They have no champion, no General, no Admiral.
蘋果日報-19 wrz 2013
柏南克未減碼QE,顯示美國經濟復甦情況不如預期。法新社. 跌破眼鏡【連欣儀╱綜合外電報導】美國聯準會(Federal Reserve,Fed)意外未縮減外 ...
A New Monetary System for the USA
Gold Seek-26 mar 2009
There is a lot of talk, openly and behind the scenes, about the new global monetary system proposed by the Chinese that will be taken up at the ...
What ETs are Here and What are They Here For?
UFODigest-28 lut 2011
At that time, they will introduce a new financial arrangememnt known to many as NESARA (National Economic and Social Reformation Act) and ...
Crude Oil Price Ten Year Forecast to 2020
The Market Oracle-8 gru 2010
Once upon a time everything was predictable. Rating agencies could “almost” guarantee negligible default rates on bonds bearing pretty AAA ...
El Tesoro de EE UU desestima acuñar la moneda de platino de un ...
20minutos.es-13 sty 2013
El Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos ha desestimado este sábado la acuñación de una moneda de platino de un billón de dólares ...
Eat non-polished rice: Experts
Times of India-2 lis 2010
The campaign was held in collaboration with Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha, Nesara, Nisarga, Arambha Krushi Balaga, Ahara Butti, Badaku ...
James Holmes: Photos of Colorado 'Dark Knight' movie shooter ...
Examiner.com-27 lip 2012
Some people have begun to question inconsistencies with the Colorado 'Dark Knight' movie shooting. An article at Nesara News blog article ...
Bundesregierung will Sonderwirtschaftszonen für Europa
T-Online-25 maj 2012
Deutschland reagiert auf die Rufe aus der EU: Die Bundesregierung hat nach "Spiegel"-Informationen einen Sechs-Punkte-Plan für mehr ...
'Los Kennedy', ganadora de cuatro Emmys, en Telecinco
20minutos.es-7 sie 2012
Los secretos de la dinastía política más legendaria llegan a España con la miniserie Los Kennedy, con ocho capítulos que emitirá a partir de ...
Renowned Kannada singer Ashwath dead
Mangalorean.com-29 gru 2009
Bangalore, December 29, 2009: Renowned singer and composer of Kannada film music C Ashwath died at a hospital here on his 71st birthday ...
solidarité Un atelier bien-être avec Open café
Le JSL-25 paź 2011
Loubna Nesara, Nisrine Zaibi, conseillère municipale venue soutenir Open Café, et Hanan Kassmi. Photo E. P. (CLP) ...
دارتها الحرارة .. جيسي جي تشرح للمغاربة سبب غنائها بدون سروال في ...
Nichane-28 maj 2013
بعد موجة الغضب و التعليقات الذي خلفها صعود المغنية الانجليزية جيسي جي على منصة موازين 2013، السبت الماضي بتبان أبيض للغناء ساعة من ...
Le revenu de base inconditionnel est le socle de la refondation du ...
AgoraVox-3 kwi 2012
Le revenu de base inconditionnel n'est pas assimilable à une revendication sociale qu'il faudrait négocier avec qui que ce soit. Le revenu de ...
قفطان دنيا بطمة يثير استياء المغاربة في "موازين"
ناظورسيتي موبايل-30 maj 2012
في الوقت الذي أطربت فيه الفنانة المغربية دنيا بطمة جمهورها بعدد من أغنياتها العربية والمغربية في الليلة الثامنة من مهرجان "موازين" الـ 11 في الرباط، ...
انتفاضة داخل ميناء الصيد بطنجة بسبب تحيين الزيادة في المحروقات
مجلة طنجة نيوز-13 wrz 2012
عقدت غرفة الصيد البحري التي يترأسها الإسلامي يوسف بن جلون ندوة صحفية بمقر غرفة التجارة و الصناعة و الخدمات زوال أمس الأربعاء من أجل مناقشة ...
Co nesmíte vědět!
Gnosis9.net-24 lut 2012
Michael Morris - Co nesmíte vědět! Šokující detaily ďábelských úmyslů, při jejichž čtení vám ztuhne krev v žilách. Ano, podtitulek už to prozradil: velká část lidstva ...
La tortura de West Point
El Mundo.es-20 mar 2011
El actual comandante jefe de las tropas internacionales en Afganistán, el general David Petraeus, estudió en la Academia Militar de West Point ...
Śledź na bieżąco wyniki dla zapytania nesara.
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Wyniki wyszukiwania
AIPAC urges new sanctions in wake of Iran talks extension
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-24 lis 2014
AIPAC backed enhanced sanctions earlier this year but dropped its active lobbying for them once it became clear that the Democratic-led ...
AIPAC Leads Call for Sanctions to Sabotage Iran Talks
Antiwar.com-24 lis 2014
AIPAC, GOP Leaders Calls for More Sanctions on Iran in Light of ...
JP Updates-24 lis 2014
Sanctions talk heats up after second extension to Iran talks
Al-Monitor-24 lis 2014
JP Updates
The Times of Israel
The National Interest Online (blog)
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 502 artykuły)
Daily News & Analysis
US pro-Israel lobby holds fire as Iran deadline looms
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych] lis 2014
AIPAC is looking past these talks and weighing how to respond to the outcome amid a changing political environment in Washington.
Powerful United States pro-Israel lobby holds fire as Iran deadline ...
Daily News & Analysis-20 lis 2014
On the long-term agreement between Iran and the P5+1: Is Israel ...
Payvand-19 lis 2014
Kerry meets key mediator as signs point to nuke talks extension
The Times of Israel-19 lis 2014
The Times of Israel
The Times of Israel
JP Updates
The National Interest Online (blog)
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 144 artykuły)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: Is AIPAC Good For ...
Newsmax.com-23 lis 2014
Senator John McCain delivers remarks during the session of the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) Conference in ...
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: 6 Critics Who Oppose ...
Newsmax.com-21 lis 2014
AIPAC becomes the object of criticism from all sides at times. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has been accused of disrupting ...
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: 6 Key Efforts Made By ...
Newsmax.com-21 lis 2014
AIPAC continually attracts different groups to its pro-Israel cause through outreach programs. There has been a concern that many younger ...
With Iran talks extended, some in Congress are rushing to step in
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-25 lis 2014
... weapons program,” AIPAC said in a statement after it was announced Monday that the major powers and Iran had extended the deadline.
Pro-Israel Hawks Take Wing Over Extension Of Iran Nuclear Talks
Mintpress News (registration) (blog)-27 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 641 artykułów)
An AIPAC Experience
The West University Buzz-12 lis 2014
Recently, my few fellow students and I were privileged to go to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) National Summit, which ...
Greg Smith: A Mormon Mensch at AIPAC
Jewish Journal-20 lis 2014
Greg Smith, a national field organizer for AIPAC, had been hired by the organization's LA office to be its new deputy regional political director.
Hillary's new difficulty: Iran
Washington Post (blog)-25 lis 2014
While AIPAC won't raise the partisan point, others won't miss it: If not for the Senate elections, there would be no hope of halting the disastrous ...
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: 8 Ways Critics Say AIPAC ...
Newsmax.com-23 lis 2014
AIPAC has continually interfered with attempts at the two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians, going back to the Oslo agreement in ...
AIPAC leader to address temple
Palm Beach Daily News-18 lis 2014
Joshua Karsh, Florida deputy regional director at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, will speak at Temple Emanu-El's adult ...
How Lobbyists Reflect Countries They Support
Commentary Magazine-10 lis 2014
But AIPAC is hardly the only lobby in Washington. The National Iranian American Council (NIAC), the de facto lobby of the Islamic Republic of ...
American Israel Public Affairs Committee: 8 Ways AIPAC is Good ...
Newsmax.com-23 lis 2014
Image: American Israel Public Affairs Committee: 8 Ways AIPAC is Good For American Jews Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves ...
AIPAC Young Leadership Policy Conference 2015 (March 1-3)
NY Blueprint-15 lis 2014
On March 1-3, 2015, AIPAC New York Young Leadership and 15,000 supporters of the U.S.-Israel relationship will gather in Washington D.C. We will learn ...
Tredicesima edizione del convegno Aipac dal titolo: “Allenamento ...
Dilettanti Toscana-27 lis 2014
Il programma prevede la presentazione della serata a cura del presidente regionale Aipac Andrea Cattozzo, a seguire il saluto da parte di ...
AIPAC urge a Congreso de EEUU aprobar nuevas sanciones ...
Hispan TV-25 lis 2014
El Comité de Asuntos Públicos Estados Unidos-Israel (AIPAC), uno de los brazos del régimen israelí para presionar a las instituciones ...
Brytyjscy wojskowi zabijają ekstremistów z IS. Nawet 8 dziennie ...
tokfm.pl-23 lis 2014
Ludobojcy/syjonisci z Izraela i waszyngtonskiego AIPAC uwazaja, ... z waszyngtonskiego AIPAC i Izraela, ktorzy narzucili go Zachodowi.
White House may view inaugural Israeli-American convention as ...
Haaretz (blog)-3 lis 2014
He said the IAC seeks to strengthen AIPAC, not compete with it, and that several AIPAC representatives will in fact be speakers at the ...
Conseil National de la Résistance Iranienne
USA- L'AIPAC en embuscade sur le nucléaire iranien
Boursorama-21 lis 2014
par Matt Spetalnick et Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON, 21 novembre (Reuters) - L'American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), le plus ...
Europeans work Congress on Iran
Al-Monitor-14 lis 2014
The pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in particular has embraced this week's statement by Sens. Robert Menendez ...
Mossad Targets Nuclear Engineers in Damascus
CounterPunch-14 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 459 artykułów)
The People's Voice
Pro-Israel lobby seeks tougher Iran sanctions
Fresno Bee-2 godz. temu
WASHINGTON — The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is urging a dramatic escalation in sanctions on Iran in response to a recent ...
"Judeo-Nazism" and the prospects for a comprehensive agreement ...
The People's Voice-18 godz. temu
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 26 artykułów)
The Price for Criticizing Israel
Consortium News-8 godz. temu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C., on March 4, 2014. The Salaita case is not the only recent ...
AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America's Morally Bankrupt Israel ...
Huffington Post-22 lip 2014
This Orwellian situation is eloquent testimony to the continued political clout of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the other ...
Lobbying: Africa needs a unified agenda - Rosa Whitaker
The Africa Report-7 godz. temu
Africa needs a political action committee like the Jewish community has AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee]. They could raise ...
AIPAC Is in Decline—But So Are Hopes for a Two-State Solution
The New Republic-29 sie 2014
Connie Bruck has written an excellent portrait of the Israel lobby, AIPAC, in The New Yorker. I say that as someone who knows something ...
The AIPAC Wars are Underway Again
TIME-27 sie 2014
Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu waves to the cheering audience as he arrives to speak to the AIPAC meeting ...
Support for AIPAC Declining Among Young American Jews
Jewish Business News-28 sie 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 229 artykułów)
Речь главного раввина Великобритании Джонатана Сакса на ...
sem40.ru-2 lis 2014
Речь главного раввина Великобритании Джонатана Сакса на конференции AIPAC. AIPAC- Американско-Израильский комитет по ...
CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin Wants A Future With Less Drones ...
KGOU-10 godz. temu
“The strongest political lobby group in this country, AIPAC was pushing for there to be a 'military solution'--bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities,” ...
How AIPAC and the NRA Came to Rule American Politics
CounterPunch-30 paź 2014
The problem of special interests or lobbies was one of the foremost concerns of the Founding Fathers of the United States. In their day they ...
Breitbart News
Are American Jews Turning Against AIPAC?
Huffington Post-25 sie 2014
On July 23rd, officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee—the powerful lobbying group known as AIPAC—gathered in a ...
Connie Bruck Whitewashes Schakowsky--and J Street--on Israel
Breitbart News-25 sie 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 artykułów)
Dissident Voice-22 godz. temu
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the leading Zionist lobby group which drafts the scripts from which many in Congress ...
Washington Watch: Will Iran deal be DOA?
Jerusalem Post-12 lis 2014
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has been the driving force on Iran sanctions for more than 20 years. Given the group's ...
Who Leaked the Obama-Khamenei Letter?
OpEdNews-11 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 607 artykułów)
AIPAC: American watchdog or Israel's attack-dog?
Aljazeera.com-3 mar 2014
AIPAC is in a good position to influence the hotly contested races throughout the country. As its outgoing president, Michael Kassen told ...
AIPAC Knows It Has an Image Problem—But Hesitates to Offer a ...
The New Republic-5 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 925 artykułów)
Elliot Brandt named AIPAC-national managing director
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.-23 wrz 2014
Elliot Brandt, 45, the Western States director for AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) since 2002, will become managing director ...
US Congress need to be cleansed of AIPAC control: Columnist
Press TV-2 sie 2014
And this entire Congress and the entire Senate is controlled through money through this AIPAC group and that's the problem that we have here.
Despite 'incitement,' Washington sees Abbas as bulwark
The Times of Israel-24 lis 2014
Now, in the wake of the summer's Gaza war and the violence in Jerusalem, AIPAC frames funding for the P.A. as a necessary means of ...
The Palestinian Authority Taps Top Lobbying Firm Patton Boggs
New York Observer-26 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 791 artykułów)
Israel Apartheid Comments Leads to Backlash Against John Kerry
Newsmax.com-26 lis 2014
“Any suggestion that Israel is, or is at risk of becoming, an apartheid state is offensive and inappropriate,” AIPAC representatives wrote in a ...
AIPAC's Terrible Idea
The Federalist-11 wrz 2014
The most powerful pro-Israel lobbying organization, AIPAC, is working on drafting legislation that would aim to counter the Boycott, Divestment, ...
November 26: Tangible results
Jerusalem Post-25 lis 2014
AIPAC's direct activities on Capitol Hill have resulted in numerous strong letters to the White House, passage of supportive resolutions and ...
Rand Paul Takes on AIPAC for Opposing Palestinian Aid Cut
Newsmax.com-1 maj 2014
"Ironically, the group AIPAC is pushing back this bill and this is to me very troubling," Paul told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
Paul: AIPAC torpedoed bill that required Palestinians to recognize ...
Jerusalem Post-2 maj 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 694 artykuły)
The U.S. Congress: a Metonym for AIPAC
Sabbah Report-18 sie 2014
AIPAC's headquarters is located several blocks from Capitol Hill in a nondescript but secure and heavily guarded building whose occupants ...
AIPAC rabbi calls for 'militant nonviolent resistance' to racial injustice ...
Mondoweiss-17 paź 2014
I have made a lot of Talve's example because as a proponent of the lobby group AIPAC, Talve is emblematic of a contradictory stance ...
Israel Lobby Decried: 8 Examples of Backlash in Washington
Newsmax.com-20 lis 2014
However, some observers have come forward to say this has only been lip service and that AIPAC has tried to sabotage the resolutions over ...
The American Conservative
How AIPAC Botched Its Biggest Fight in Years
Daily Beast-11 lut 2014
AIPAC has many ways of communicating with Congress, but the “key contacts” are particularly important. They are AIPAC members that have a ...
Victory Over AIPAC, What It Means, What It Doesn't
The American Conservative-12 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 245 artykułów)
AIPAC's Fight Against Iran Diplomacy
The Nation. (blog)-2 wrz 2014
AIPAC works very hard to not appear as an overt opponent of Iran diplomacy. And with good reason: the growing party-line make-up of efforts ...
“Death to Iran” Over Airline Passenger Safety
Scoop.co.nz-10 lis 2014
24 “deadline” for an agreement with the Islamic Republic (which in reality may end up being just another extension), AIPAC/OFAC has won ...
US to Supply Israel with 3000 JDAMs for 'Smart Bombs'
The Jewish Press-29 lis 2014
Pro-Israel groups such as AIPAC spent close $4 million last year, ensuring that US-Israel ties will remain strong. The Pro-Israel lobby remains ...
Friends of Israel: Are American Jews Turning against AIPAC
Center for Research on Globalization-26 sie 2014
For AIPAC, it is crucial to appeal across the political spectrum. But Israel has ... This was one of the more amazing feats, for AIPAC.” In a press ...
Blaming the Victims: A night with AIPAC in St. Louis and protesters ...
Mondoweiss-15 sie 2014
Talve recently went on an AIPAC sponsored tour of Israel. On August 13 the Central Reform Congregation hosted an AIPAC event called “The ...
Press TV
AIPAC weighs in on US military aid to Egypt
Al-Monitor-24 cze 2014
The pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has begun a lobbying blitz to stop lawmakers from cutting military aid to ...
AIPAC urges US lawmakers not to cut Egypt aid
Press TV-25 cze 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 341 artykułów)
Is Washington training an Insurgent Army to “Occupy” Syria?
Center for Research on Globalization-28 lis 2014
Martin Indyk — the former US ambassador to Israel, a former high-level lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and ...
Senate letter calling for P.A. return to Gaza has AIPAC backing
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-11 wrz 2014
The letter and AIPAC's backing signal a sharp change from before the latest Israel-Hamas war in Gaza over the summer, when the American ...
AIPAC backs Senate letter calling for PA to retake control of Gaza
Haaretz-10 wrz 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 721 artykułów)
Louisville diary: Is there a problem between Israel and the ...
Jewish Journal-4 lis 2014
He is not as shy today when I ask him about Israel, and he has visited twice more in recent years – once with an AIPAC (the America Israel ...
Joining pro-Israeli organization provides knowledge, community
UT The Daily Texan-23 lis 2014
I was invited along with 20 other UT students to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) National Summit, which was held ...
Vancouver Sun
New Poll: AIPAC Influence Waning
Huffington Post-10 mar 2014
Ever since the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lost its battle to prevent negotiations with Iran by imposing new sanctions on ...
AIPAC and Friends Explain Themselves
Intifada Palestine-7 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 799 artykułów)
Jewish Voice for Peace skyrocketing
Mondoweiss-17 sie 2014
JVP goes from a fraction of AIPAC's visits and then more than doubles them. And J Street too. JVP was behind J Street; not any more. (Though ...
Why are US lawmakers more enraged over Hamas-Abbas deal than ...
The Electronic Intifada (blog)-3 cze 2014
In its own statement, AIPAC claims that it was “greatly concerned and disappointed” by the “formation of a Palestinian Authority unity ...
AIPAC Calls For Reversal Of Flight Ban To Tel Aviv
BuzzFeed-23 lip 2014
One Democratic congressional staffer argued that AIPAC's position mirroring Cruz's and other Republicans' on the ban could hurt the lobby ...
Case Study: AIPAC Shill Cory Booker
MWC News-2 sie 2014
His support for the local Muslim community has nothing to do with his position on matters AIPAC cares about: the Israeli-Palestinian issue and ...
It is time to end AIPAC's pernicious influence on US Middle East policy
DigiNews-15 wrz 2014
AIPAC, in the opinion of many, is harmful not only to American interests in the region, but to the long-run interests of Israel as well. In reality, it is ...
AIPAC Controlled Congress vis-a vis HOUSE Reps. O'Rourke ...
The Arab Daily News-4 paź 2014
On Thursday the Jewish Daily FORWARD admitted “It took only one wrong vote to teach a freshman Democrat from Texas how sensitive, and ...
The Nation. (blog)
AIPAC: Stuck With the GOP
Huffington Post-14 lut 2014
However, due to the combined efforts of President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the AIPAC bill is dead. Once the president ...
After big loss, AIPAC goes… Progressive!
Mondoweiss-13 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 24 artykuły)
Interest in Israel: The Money in Politics On Gaza
Center for Responsive Politics-4 sie 2014
Secretary of State John Kerry speaks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Conference (AIPAC) this past March. (AP Photo/Molly ...
American Free Press
AIPAC's Phony Iron Dome Vote
MWC News-6 sie 2014
According to my sources on Capitol Hill, several of whom spoke to the Pentagon, the sole reason for the vote was to enable AIPAC and its ...
The Unbridled Power of AIPAC
American Free Press-10 sie 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 6 091 artykułów)
Hagel's Rise and Fall Had Nothing To Do With Foreign Policy
Defense One-24 lis 2014
And we argued that by nominating someone who had spoken uncomfortable truths about the influence groups like AIPAC wield in Congress, ...
Sen. Schumer Thanks Def. Secretary Hagel For 'Service'
JP Updates-24 lis 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 3 647 artykułów)
Rabbi Rick Sherwin's perspective on the AIPAC Rabbinic Symposium
Heritage Florida Jewish News-3 paź 2014
Howard Kohr, AIPAC executive director, told the rabbis that both Saudi Arabia and Egypt are opposed to Hamas and both countries distrust the ...
Visiting Israel on AIPAC's dime, Rep. Steve Israel gets defensive ...
Mondoweiss-8 sie 2014
As we reported last week Congressman Steve Israel of Long Island NY is in Israel on a neverending trip, with six other Congresspeople, on the ...
'Like the NRA, AIPAC sows fear in the halls of Congress' — Dem ...
Mondoweiss-19 kwi 2014
No one talks about AIPAC that openly, in the mainstream anyway. And even if J Street slays AIPAC, among Democrats, it's just going to be ...
Netanyahu's AIPAC Speech: 5 Lies
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs-26 maj 2014
17, 2014. (Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images). Throughout his March 4 speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual policy conference ...
Arutz Sheva
Behind AIPAC's Successes and Failures
Huffington Post-3 mar 2014
AIPAC's convention opened in the American capital this week amid Washington's preoccupation with Ukraine and President Obama's ...
Center Field: AIPAC conference exposed; Zionist hootenanny, not ...
Jerusalem Post-4 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 26 artykułów)
14000 see Israeli innovation showcase at AIPAC
ISRAEL21c-10 mar 2014
The four Israeli companies invited to present their futuristic technologies in front of 14,000 attendees of the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference in ...
AIPAC decries extension of Iran nuclear deadline
The Times of Israel-21 lip 2014
WASHINGTON — AIPAC said it was “deeply disappointed” in the terms extending the Iran nuclear talks for four months. Get The Times of ...
AIPAC rues added relief for Iran in talks extension
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-21 lip 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 653 artykuły)
Jewish Daily Forward
A month later, de Blasio's AIPAC declaration continues to roil New ...
Mondoweiss-21 lut 2014
De Blasio's AIPAC speech was supposed to be run-of-the-mill–just another routine stop where the mayor can proclaim his love for the Jewish ...
Jews Ask NY Mayor Bill De Blasio To 'Learn Facts About Israel and ...
Jewish Daily Forward-20 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 381 artykułów)
AIPAC on John Kerry comment: 'Troubling'
Politico-29 kwi 2014
“The reported remarks on apartheid by Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday are deeply troubling,” said the statement from AIPAC, perhaps ...
AIPAC: Kerry's comments 'offensive, inappropriate'
The Times of Israel-28 kwi 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 737 artykułów)
Bill de Blasio Is Wrong to Pander to AIPAC
The Nation.-28 sty 2014
De Blasio pandered to the powerful right-wing lobby, assuring attendees that “City Hall will always be open to AIPAC…when you need me to ...
Obama administration officials: Please stay away from AIPAC
Washington Post (blog)-29 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 19 artykułów)
At AIPAC, preaching the gospel of a wider tent
The Times of Israel-3 mar 2014
Chris Harris and members of his Bronzeville church singing 'Walk With Me,' at the AIPAC convention Sunday. (screen capture: AIPAC) ...
The Illusion of AIPAC's Invincibility
Huffington Post-8 lut 2014
The defeat of AIPAC's ill-advised push for new sanctions on Iran in the midst of successful negotiations is nothing short of historic. The powerful ...
Bill Clinton, AIPAC urge delay on Iran sanctions
Politico-6 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 227 artykułów)
Is Israel Losing the Battle to Wage War on Iran?
CounterPunch-21 lis 2014
He came from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), an offshoot of American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and ...
AIPAC Is Losing Influence Over US Foreign Policy
The Real News Network-5 mar 2014
The American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, or, as we all know it, AIPAC, has wrapped up its annual policy conference. The D.C. conference ...
Reggina, il professor Saffioti presidente del Comitato Regionale dell ...
Strill.it-11 lis 2014
Si è costituita al S.Agata la prima assemblea del Comitato Regionale Calabria AIPAC (Associazione Italiana Preparatori Atletici Calcio).
After AIPAC and J Street, Israel's third lobby: ZPAC?
Al-Monitor-28 lut 2014
On March 2, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to leave for the United States for his traditional standing ovation ...
Iran likely to dominate discussions as pro-Israel lobby gathers at ...
Washington Post-28 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 515 artykułów)
Hagel Resigns - A Look at His Record
The Real News Network-25 lis 2014
He really came out being--although he voted in favor for the Iraq War, he was actually very critical of the Iraq War, even spoke of AIPAC and the Israeli lobby's ...
How a Weaker AIPAC Makes It Easier to Vote Against Iran Sanctions
National Journal-23 sty 2014
For two decades, AIPAC has made pressuring Iran its top issue, driving Democrats today into an uncomfortable position, wedged between an ...
AIPAC attacks Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Salon-24 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 58 artykułów)
The Times of Israel
Why the U.S. Response in Ukraine Matters to AIPAC
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)-3 mar 2014
Even at the AIPAC's policy conference this week, where the focus of discussion is, by design, all but exclusively Israel-related, the speakers and ...
Current Iran sanctions sufficient, Lew tells AIPAC
The Times of Israel-3 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 17 artykułów)
Poll: Right-Wing Pro-Israel Lobbying Group AIPAC Losing Influence
In These Times-12 mar 2014
A poll released last week suggests that the power of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the American pro-Israel lobbying ...
Saturday Letters: Paddling, Iran, Abbott
Houston Chronicle-28 lis 2014
... (Page A11, Monday), as a Christian, I support diplomacy because it is the best way to avoid another Israeli/AIPAC war in the Middle East.
US Jewish students' difficulties draw notice of Knesset panel
Jerusalem Post-24 lis 2014
Our participation in these working coalitions that include campus Hillels and AIPAC affiliates, among others, has allowed those who fight such ...
How Martin Indyk went from AIPAC man to blaming Israel
Haaretz-15 maj 2014
How Martin Indyk went from AIPAC man to blaming Israel. The U.S. special envoy to Middle East peace is characterized by his support for Israel ...
Kerry's Israel-Palestine Plan Will Challenge AIPAC
The Nation. (blog)-3 lut 2014
AIPAC is in deep, deep trouble. First, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee tried, and utterly failed, to destroy President Obama's critical ...
Now it's AIPAC's War
MWC News-31 lip 2014
No, AIPAC cannot defeat him. But it can (and would) make his life miserable. So he punted. But he did go farther in criticizing Netanyahu's war ...
Jewish Daily Forward
De Blasio praises Israel at closed-door AIPAC event
Capital New York-24 sty 2014
Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered an impassioned pro-Israel speech during a private event hosted by a major Israel lobbying group on Thursday ...
De Blasio Gave A 'Secret' AIPAC Speech Promising To Stand By Israel
Gothamist-24 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 705 artykułów)
AIPAC proves surprise lobbying force for Palestine
RT (blog)-7 mar 2014
Compared with AIPAC, pro-Palestinian organizations are like the Lilliputians v Gulliver. AIPAC doesn't seem to notice Palestinian activists ...
New inter-denominational group hopes to foster US-Israel relations
Highlands Today-20 lis 2014
Kahn said his synagogue had committee representatives from Miami visit, Sam Kalmowicz, Florida synagogue initiative director, and AIPAC ...
AIPAC Reverses Course, Defends Debbie Wasserman Schultz In ...
Huffington Post-27 sty 2014
The Washington Free Beacon first reported earlier this month that AIPAC was urging key supporters in South Florida to demand that ...
AIPAC rejects report of differences with Jewish lawmaker on Iran ...
Haaretz-27 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 18 artykułów)
Elsewhere: AIPAC in trouble?, rabbi in Ferguson, Elvis: Shabbos goy
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-25 sie 2014
AIPAC in trouble?: Clashes between the Obama and Netanyahu administrations may mean that the influence of the pro-Israel lobby is waning.
At AIPAC, Netanyahu launches “desperate” attack on BDS movement
The Electronic Intifada (blog)-4 mar 2014
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today launched a frontal assault on the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
AIPAC Policy Conference 2014 - Highlights and Controversies
Australia-Israel Jewish Affairs Council-6 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 580 artykułów)
Another AIPAC Miscalculation?
Payvand-21 maj 2014
But AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group, stood by the amendment, and one has to think that Corker would not have introduced it if he ...
Menendez Threatens to Scuttle Key Pro-Israel Bill
Washington Free Beacon-19 maj 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 55 artykułów)
The Guardian
AIPAC's 2-state lip-service: conference featured university in ...
Mondoweiss-21 mar 2014
But the showcasing of Ariel University at AIPAC's big event exposes how the lobby group does little more than voice rhetorical support for a ...
GOP outrage over immigration will backfire come election time
Jweekly.com-26 lis 2014
... a Washington, D.C., lobbying and consulting firm. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC–American Israel ...
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
With AIPAC's Power in Doubt, Is Peace With Israel Now Possible?
Huffington Post-5 lut 2014
Landler concluded from this political development that the reach of AIPAC's political power, long an unquestioned assumption in Washington, ...
Potent Pro-Israel Group Finds Its Momentum Blunted
New York Times-4 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 66 artykułów)
Śledź na bieżąco wyniki dla zapytania aipac.
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Wyniki wyszukiwania
Congress, AIPAC Seeking to Resurrect Iran Sanctions Bill
Washington Free Beacon-3 cze 2014
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) could put its weight behind an effort to resurrect currently stalled legislation to tighten ...
Senator Bob Menendez Remarks at AIPAC Conference
C-SPAN-4 mar 2014
Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) spoke at the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference. He focused on… read more.
JNS news briefs: November 10, 2014
San Diego Jewish World-10 lis 2014
“Although AIPAC may have gotten Congressmen to speak out on this issue, that is not enough,” ZOA said. “The White House must know that ...
Report: AIPAC Drafting Legislation Against BDS Movement
JP Updates-10 wrz 2014
AIPAC is working on drafting legislation that would aim to counter the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, ...
New York Daily News
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio Criticized by Liberal Jews for AIPAC ...
Algemeiner-12 maj 2014
JNS.org - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's January appearance before the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has garnered ...
EXCLUSIVE: Mayor Bill de Blasio's secret appearance at right ...
New York Daily News-13 maj 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 172 artykuły)
US/Israel relations topic at AIPAC
Heritage Florida Jewish News-29 sie 2014
The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the ...
Major Jewish Orgs Spar Over 'Chickens**t' Controversy
JP Updates-9 lis 2014
In its press release, ZOA also criticized the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for not issuing a public statement on the ...
Colorado Democratic officials address AIPAC
The Colorado Statesman-13 kwi 2014
Colorado Democratic officials addressed the recent American Israel Public Affairs Annual Colorado event on April 6. AIPAC is the only ...
Tel Avivre
Malgré ses « incitations », Washington voit Abbas comme un rempart
The Times of Israël-28 lis 2014
En avril dernier, après l'échec des pourparlers de paix, l'American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), reflétant les politiques de ...
AIPAC no match for the 'sleeping giant'
Aljazeera.com-21 lis 2013
The absolute power of the "pro-Israel" lobby, as manifested most prominently by the US-based organisation known as AIPAC, is often cited as a ...
AIPAC Appears To Back Obama Administration On Iran Sanctions ...
BuzzFeed-22 lis 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 69 artykułów)
Ukraine Crisis: Bad for AIPAC, Good for Bibi
Jewish Daily Forward (blog)-2 mar 2014
The AIPAC conference may be opening at an awkward time for the lobby, as the Forward's Nathan Guttman writes today. Beyond the fact that ...
Who Defeated AIPAC?
Slate Magazine (blog)-4 lut 2014
As Landler sees it, the sputtering of the bill was the third defeat for AIPAC in a year. Defeat No. 1: the confirmation of Chuck Hagel, which AIPAC ...
Washington Post
Lobbying for Iran War, AIPAC's Napkin Is Half-Empty
Huffington Post-9 sty 2014
AIPAC wants the Democratic Senate to pass S. 1881, a new Iran sanctions bill, over the strong objections of the Obama administration.
Washington Post (blog)
Washington watch: AIPAC – Whose lobby is it?
Jerusalem Post-26 lut 2014
AIPAC is still reeling from the humiliating setback of having to retreat on the what was to be the centerpiece of its day on the Hill, the Nuclear ...
AIPAC chair pushing sanctions on Iran is crucial Obama backer
Mondoweiss-23 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 441 artykułów)
Massacre on J Street
Washington Free Beacon-5 lis 2014
One former official with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) said that J Street's involvement in mostly uncompetitive races ...
Aipac is losing its influence
Jewish Chronicle-7 lut 2014
For 40 years, Aipac, the American Israel Political Action Committee, has been the definitive lobbying voice for Israel in US politics. A body with ...
The Bush Decision Point
The American Conservative-18 lis 2014
In response, under AIPAC's prodding, Congress began pushing Bush to release the loan guarantees on Israel's terms, meaning Israel could ...
The Times of Israel
At AIPAC, John McCain blames Obama's 'feckless' foreign policy for ...
Washington Post-3 mar 2014
Shortly after McCain appeared at AIPAC, the White House announced that Vice President Biden spoke by phone with Russian Prime Minister ...
At AIPAC, Senator McCain Slams Obama's Foreign Policy
Algemeiner-3 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 96 artykułów)
Student impressed by AIPAC's commitment to peace
Jweekly.com-10 kwi 2014
The March 14 op-ed titled “When will AIPAC start cheering for peace?” discussed the 2014 policy conference held in early March, which I ...
Center Field: 'AIPACing' AIPAC: The new anti-Zionist, annihilationist ...
Jerusalem Post-18 lut 2014
The American Jewish Left loves labeling AIPAC, America's pro-Israel lobby, as doctrinaire, unrepresentative and bullying – adjectives which ...
OFAC Jeopardizes Air Traffic Safety While Congress Prepares ...
OpEdNews-9 lis 2014
"The AIPAC/OFAC Gemini (twins) are a, if not the, main potent force in ... So against this backdrop, what did OFAC/AIPAC do to torque up the ...
Iran nuclear talks: not 'all options on the table' yet
Asharq Alawsat English-23 lis 2014
In March 2012 Obama addressed the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC's policy conference saying, “when it comes to preventing Iran from ...
The Times of Israel
Secrecy of de Blasio's AIPAC conclave fuels anti-Semitic tropes ...
Mondoweiss-25 sty 2014
Andrew Sullivan has a wonderful post up on Bill de Blasio's shocking and private speech to AIPAC two nights ago, titled, “The Selective ...
NYC mayor De Blasio assailed for keeping AIPAC speech secret
The Times of Israel-25 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 281 artykułów)
When will AIPAC start cheering for peace?
Jweekly.com-13 mar 2014
AIPAC officially supports the two-state solution. Yet the tough compromises that are a prerequisite for such a solution received little mention at ...
Commentary | “When will the oppression of Palestinians end?” Asks ...
SUSRIS-23 lis 2014
Netanyahu knows very well that AIPAC and other pro-Israeli lobbies shape American foreign policy in the Middle East. He is fully aware that the ...
ADL to honor Carol and Peter Lilienthal and Judith Kallman
Connecticut Jewish Ledger-20 lis 2014
The couple also serve on the Board of the Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County and are members of AIPAC. Additionally, they are both ...
AIPAC keeps low profile on Iran bill
Politico-14 sty 2014
A number of senators on both sides of the sanctions debate said they'd heard little from AIPAC on the issue, suggesting that wavering ...
AIPAC 'sabotaging' Iran nuclear deal
Press TV-12 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 819 artykułów)
J Street and AIPAC speak the same language on Israel
Jweekly.com-20 mar 2014
At AIPAC, we got to hear Tzipi Livni, Israel's minister of justice and head of the delegation to the current peace negotiations. She stressed that ...
Pro-Israel supporters in Congress and AIPAC err in prioritizing bad ...
Intermountain Jewish News-20 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 17 artykułów)
AIPAC in the middle
New Jersey Jewish News-26 lut 2014
The National Jewish Democratic Council says in an e-mail that it will be at the AIPAC Policy Conference on March 2-4. NJDC Board Member ...
Anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death and AIPAC's annual Conference
Sabbah Report-26 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 artykuły)
Genocide in Gaza and AIPAC Praises US HOUSE Representatives
The People's Voice-14 lip 2014
Genocide in Gaza and AIPAC Praises US HOUSE Representatives. July 15th, 2014. By Eileen Fleming. Palestinian mourners carry the body of five-year-old boy ...
AIPAC fail: Goldberg leads, and Sen. Blumenthal climbs off the war ...
Mondoweiss-16 sty 2014
They are making a political calculation that it is in their interest not to cross AIPAC and its allies because they are not a group that you want to ...
'NYT' piece on Israel coexistence singer leaves out his latest gig ...
Mondoweiss-10 mar 2014
Playing AIPAC was a bizarre choice for a musician who is presented in the New York Times as part of the vanguard for reconciliation efforts in ...
L'AIPAC et la politique israélienne sans morale des USA
Le Club de Mediapart-26 lip 2014
L'AIPAC et la politique israélienne sans morale des USA ... éloquent de l'influence politique permanente de l'AIPAC (American Israel Public ...
Free Speech and the Left's War on AIPAC
Commentary Magazine-19 lut 2014
That letter set off a controversy since two of those who joined with Beinart to denounce AIPAC were prominent Manhattan Rabbis Rolondo ...
The Rabbis Who Attacked AIPAC and the Congregants Who Hit Back
Commentary Magazine-12 lut 2014
As it happens, B'nai Jeshurun's congregants include a number of people who are deeply involved with AIPAC. They are predominantly liberal ...
Jewish Daily Forward
Jewish Group Votes to Reject J Street
TIME-1 maj 2014
J Street founder and executive director Jeremy Ben-Ami speaks to Brandeis University students on Feb. 25, 2010. Pat Greenhouse—The ...
Conference Vote Demonstrates J Street's Irrelevance
Commentary Magazine-1 maj 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 102 artykuły)
Thinskinned AIPAC blackballs Jim Lobe
Mondoweiss-1 mar 2014
The other day I learned that AIPAC won't give me press credentials to its annual policy conference, which begins tomorrow. Misery loves ...
AIPAC vs. Oscars
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.-28 lut 2014
According to the AIPAC conference schedule, the day's big speakers (Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog ...
AIPAC vs. the Oscars
Jewish Daily Forward (blog)-1 mar 2014
With the AIPAC conference competing with the Oscars, Jewish politicos will have to choose between watching willowy Natalie Portman grace ...
Rand Paul: Disappointed In AIPAC's Opposition To Pro-Israel ...
JP Updates-8 maj 2014
US Senator Ran Paul (R-Kentucky) on Wednesday expressed his disappointment with AIPAC's opposition to his 'Stand with Israel Act' that ...
Intifada Palestine
Jonathan Djanogly, Example of UK's Israel Stooges, Who Want to ...
Al-Jazeerah.info-2 lis 2014
AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is an immensely powerful lobby group that aggressively promotes Israel's interests in the ...
The Dirty Dozen MPs who want to prolong the Palestinians' misery ...
Intifada Palestine-30 paź 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 3 799 artykułów)
AIPAC 2014: Baltimore Goes To AIPAC
Baltimore Jewish Times (subscription)-6 mar 2014
For 10th-grader Daniel Goldman, the speech from the 2008 Republican nominee for president typified the energy AIPAC works to harness ...
At AIPAC, Student Activists Make Themselves Heard
Arutz Sheva-4 mar 2014
AIPAC's 2014 annual Policy Conference came to a close Tuesday, having seen a record 14,000 supporters of Israel travel to Washington D.C. ...
John Kerry and David Broza perform for AIPAC
Mondoweiss-4 mar 2014
There were so many truly sickening staged events at the AIPAC Conference this year that I cannot even imagine keeping a detached ...
At AIPAC, Scarlett fever
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.-5 mar 2014
Actress Scarlett Johansson, with her fiance Romain Dauriac at the 39th Cesar Film Awards, did not attend AIPAC, but her presence was felt.
At AIPAC, Two Energy Entrepreneurs Debate How To Power Israel's ...
Jewish Daily Forward-3 mar 2014
The Great Energy Debate: Yosef Abramowitz and Harold Vinegar discuss how to power Israel's future at an AIPAC panel in Washington.
Menendez shelves Israel bill over AIPAC-backed language on Iran
New Jersey Jewish News-23 maj 2014
The chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee shelved for now a major pro-Israel bill over the attempt to insert language mandating a ...
Blinded by Israel, Visionless in Gaza
CounterPunch-22 lip 2014
“AIPAC's defenders like to argue that its success is explained by its ability to exploit the organizing opportunities available in democratic ...
Focus:Bush Decision Point (1-2)
Sudan Vision-20 lis 2014
In response, under AIPAC's prodding, Congress began pushing Bush to release the loan guarantees on Israel's terms, meaning Israel could use the money to ...
Mushroom Clouds on the Horizon: Iranian Nuclear Threats ...
TheBlaze.com-12 mar 2014
Policy makers and experts addressing the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference on March 2-4, 2014, ...
The Forum Newsgroup
EXCLUSIVE: Council Speaker Mark-Viverito Appoints Former ...
JP Updates-1 maj 2014
She also worked in the political and foreign policy departments of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) at its National Office in ...
AIPAC Attracts Under 100 Anti-Israel Protesters
Algemeiner-2 mar 2014
An anti-Israel protester advocating the boycott of Israeli companies SodaStream and Sabra Hummus at the 2104 AIPAC Policy Conference.
After 'chickenshit' remark, FBI finds traces of 'truth serum' in West ...
+972 Magazine - Independent commentary from Israel and the Palestinian territories-2 lis 2014
It's as if people are actually stating facts about Israel and forgetting all about AIPAC. No fear!” Media outlets across the world have been quoting ...
Randi Zuckerberg and AIPAC Celebrate NYC Tech at Gansevoort ...
Betabeat-7 kwi 2014
If anyone's got a busy schedule, it's Randi Zuckerberg. The 32-year-old just wrapped up a guest-starring run in Broadway's Rock of Ages; ...
Washington Post
Zarif mocks 'coincidence' that arms ship seizure coincided with ...
Jerusalem Post-6 mar 2014
Captured just in time for annual AIPAC anti Iran campaign. Amazing Coincidence! Or same failed lies," Zarif said via his Twitter account.
The Attack on Israeli Democracy and AIPAC
Commentary Magazine-12 lut 2014
AIPAC's position and that of the overwhelming majority of the American people is that Israel's people have the right to govern themselves and ...
Leftist Jews Condemn De Blasio's Address to AIPAC in NYC
The Jewish Voice-12 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 85 artykułów)
Wall Street Journal
Jon Stewart hails progressive Bill de Blasio — ignoring AIPAC fest
Mondoweiss-7 lut 2014
Stewart elides the reason de Blasio's toil is “24-7″: slurping up to AIPAC on January 23, he said a big part of “my job description” was standing ...
AIPAC Leaders Tour Barzilai Medical Center
Arutz Sheva-26 mar 2014
Dr. Levi, as well as senior management, then conducted a tour of the hospital for the esteemed AIPAC members. Among the attendees were ...
Middle East Monitor
J Street challenges the Israel lobby from within Obama: Our focus is ...
CNN-24 lip 2014
J Street, however, still pales in comparison to AIPAC's influence, said former Rep. Robert Wexler, president of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for ...
Why the US has the most pro-Israel foreign policy in the world
Vox-24 lip 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 13 artykułów)
AIPAC to Congress: Iran Must Dismantle Nuclear Program
The Jewish Press-24 lut 2014
This was part of the message, the writers said, that thousands of AIPAC activists would take to Capitol Hill next week during the annual AIPAC ...
Brandeis prof blasts school's deference to Israel and AIPAC (and ...
Mondoweiss-19 mar 2014
Some relevant data points: University President Frederick Lawrence just attended the AIPAC annual meeting, has photo ops with Shin Bet ...
What Makes A Strong Lobbyist
Port St. Joe Star-14 lis 2014
The National Rifle Association (NRA), the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), veterans' groups, the AARP: all are very good at ...
Life within the Zionist conspiracy: an AIPAC conference
thejewishchronicle.net-17 mar 2014
With the coming of spring and the blossoming of cherry blossoms comes the annual migration of pro-Israel activists to Washington, D.C., for the ...
From mensch to meshuggah: why Bob Carr turned on Israel
Crikey-9 lis 2014
They have powerful lobby groups like AIPAC and the ADL who ... In fact, it is the America/Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) who has the ...
MWC News
MSNBC's Hayes Blames AIPAC for Dems Opposing Obama on Iran ...
NewsBusters (blog)-17 sty 2014
And they are making a political calculation that is as in their political interest not to cross AIPAC and its allies because they are not a group you ...
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Rips AIPAC & Those 16 Iran War Democrats ...
Intifada Palestine-16 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 373 artykuły)
Even AIPAC Has Trouble Mustering UN Outrage
Tablet Magazine-3 mar 2014
One indication of the fading relevance of the United Nations in the public consciousness is how few people showed up to today's AIPAC panel ...
Un échec cinglant de l'Aipac - Le lobby pro-israélien a-t-il présumé ...
Orient XXI-4 mar 2014
La conférence de l'American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) s'est achevée hier. Malgré l'euphorie de façade, c'est l'absence du ...
Le puissant lobby pro-israélien Aipac en perte d'influence face à ...
Le Monde-7 mar 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 artykułów)
Israel lobbyists controlling US foreign policy: Dankof
Press TV-1 maj 2014
An American political commentator says a recent exchange between American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and US Secretary of ...
Dear de Blasio: AIPAC Doesn't Speak for Me, Either
New Voices-10 lut 2014
AIPAC speaks for allies of Israel who support the Israeli government's right-wing policies that enable them to continue building settlements in ...
AIPAC's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath against Iran
Dissident Voice-26 gru 2013
Fischer's long-term boosters, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), likely want to accustom Americans to openly dual ...
Is AIPAC suddenly a dirty word?
Mondoweiss-7 sty 2014
Yesterday we noted Jim Lobe's piece saying that 47 Senators are taking AIPAC's word over the US government's word on the Iran deal.
Voice of America
NJDC chief raps AIPAC, AJC on Iran sanctions lobbying
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-10 sty 2014
Rabbi Jack Moline, the NJDC's executive director, accused AIPAC and the American Jewish Committee of “strong-arm tactics, essentially ...
New insight into “Obama's spine,” Valerie Jarrett
Oregon Catalyst-11 lis 2014
Obama, when he was a Senator, called out the unregistered lobbying on behalf of Israel carried out by AIPAC members. However, I have not ...
Moline apologizes to American Jewish Committee, but not AIPAC
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-14 sty 2014
I called Moline and asked him why AIPAC was not included. He said, simply, that he had talked through the matter with David Harris, who had ...
Israël et son lobby aux Etats-Unis
Palestine Solidarité-26 lis 2014
Les principales organisations du lobby israélien sont très connues : l'AIPAC (Comité israélo-américain pour les affaires politiques - notamment ...
Pittsburgh sends large group to AIPAC policy conference
thejewishchronicle.net-15 mar 2014
Students from the Hillel Jewish University Center's PIPAC chapter (University of Pittsburgh AIPAC chapter) eagerly awaiting AIPAC's opening ...
AIPAC y el Gran Israel
CubaDebate-7 sie 2014
AIPAC es el lobby que agrupa por igual a judíos y pro-judíos sionistas republicanos y demócratas y es la primera fuerza política de presión ...
Masacres y geopolítica
Rebelión-7 sie 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 3 artykuły)
Indian Express
AIPAC urges new Iran sanctions
Politico-25 lis 2013
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has bitterly denounced the agreement as "the deal of the century" for Iran, the AIPAC memo ...
AIPAC vs. Obama
MuslimVillage.com-25 lis 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 338 artykułów)
Montreal Gazette
82 Senators Sign AIPAC Letter To Obama On Iran; Rand Paul ...
JP Updates-17 mar 2014
Schumer at AIPAC 2014 A significant majority of 82 US Senate members (41 Republicans and 41 Democrats) have signed a letter to US ...
Star Jones Anticipates Baptism During Upcoming AIPAC Israel Trip
Algemeiner-20 mar 2014
Television personality Star Jones will be baptized in the Jordan River during her upcoming trip to Israel with pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, she told ...
BBYO and AIPAC: Leading the Next Generation
Baltimore Jewish Times (subscription)-20 mar 2014
This year was my second experience at AIPAC. In November, I had been fortunate enough to attend the AIPAC Schusterman Advocacy Institute ...
MWC News
Hizzonor at AIPAC (has more political room than he thinks)
Mondoweiss-25 sty 2014
I think Phil's comment on DeBlasio's abject groveling before AIPAC lets the mayor off the hook. It seems to say: “Well kissing Israel's ass is par ...
Who's afraid of AIPAC: Is everything we think about lobbying and ...
Washington Post (blog)-30 paź 2013
AIPAC's influence is thought to be strongest in Congress, where support for pro-Israeli policies is indeed bipartisan and passionately held.
Tunisie - Le Département d'Etat américain informe Mourou qu'il n'y a ...
Business News-27 lis 2014
... judéo-sioniste AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). ... les guerres au Moyen Orient sont préparées dans la cuisine de l'AIPAC.
Labor Party Head Sets Out Prime Ministerial Ambitions at AIPAC
Arutz Sheva-2 mar 2014
Israeli opposition leader and head of the left-wing Labor Party Isaac Herzog addressed delegates at AIPAC's annual policy conference Sunday, ...
AIPAC, ADL, oppose anti-boycott US bill
Globes-9 lut 2014
The American-Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have joined educators, academics, and ...
AIPAC to go all-out on Syria
Politico-5 wrz 2013
The powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to push wayward lawmakers to back the resolution ...
How AIPAC works your Congressperson– using donors, rabbis, and ...
Mondoweiss-4 wrz 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 292 artykuły)
Working Together to Expand Support for Israel on Campus
The Jewish Week-13 lis 2013
AIPAC's work was strongly supported by the students, staff and lay leaders of Hillel at Stanford, who helped with logistics and in recruiting ...
European Jewish Press
How Hillel shifted from pluralist Jewish space to arm of Israel lobby
Mondoweiss-9 sty 2014
In mid-November, Eric Fingerhut, the head of Hillel, and Jonathan Kessler, an American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) official, ...
How AIPAC Rules
CounterPunch-31 maj 2013
AIPAC, of course, is the premier Israel Lobby organization. Every March at its annual Conference the group assembles a huge turnout of ...
AIPAC honors ex-Palm Harbor resident as top advocate
jewishpresspinellas-1 kwi 2014
Samantha Greenberg, who now lives in Israel, shows off her award as AIPAC's college campus “Advocate of the Year.” Growing up in Palm ...
'AIPAC's short-term defeat in Congress on anti-Iran bill'
Press TV-30 sty 2014
An American author and radio host says it is “a short-term defeat” for the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) that a new anti-Iran ...
Iran: The Week Obama Took Down the Lobby
Huffington Post-31 sty 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 12 artykułów)
Abby calls out CNN on CNN, Oscars & drones strikes, AIPAC 2014 ...
RT-7 mar 2014
Abby Martin remarks on the ongoing media craze surrounding her remarks on RT regarding the crisis in Ukraine and features a clip of her ...
Democratic Senator: Crimea Crisis Is Happening Because America ...
Slate Magazine (blog)-4 mar 2014
Every year, a large sector of the Washington Convention Center is occupied and bedazzled for the AIPAC Policy Conference.
Treating Syrian Casualties in Israel
legal Insurrection (blog)-4 mar 2014
The video embedded at the bottom of the post is of Dr. Massad Barhoum, the medical director of the Western Galilee Medical Center, one of ...
Playbook: De Blasio squeezed on AIPAC and St. Pat's
Capital New York-4 lut 2014
GETTING CLEAR ON ISRAEL — Daylight between BDB and AIPAC — Capital's Dana Rubinstein: After delivering a private speech last month ...
Is New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio Making A Misstep With His ...
Huffington Post-5 lut 2014
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 455 artykułów)
Obama's Shift from AIPAC to J Street
FrontPage Magazine-26 wrz 2013
Clearly, Barack Obama no longer needs AIPAC to help him win a presidential election. He does, however, want and need Jewish Democrat ...
AIPAC/Federation meeting: America's pro-Israel community is strong
Heritage Florida Jewish News-1 mar 2014
AIPAC/Federation hosts and speakers (l-r): Roz Fuchs Schwartz, Marc Smith, Lucas Boyce, Barbara Weinrich, Alisia Adamson, and Jacki ...
Personaje de la Semana: Chuck Hagel, ex jefe del Pentágono
Milenio.com-25 lis 2014
... se sentía intimidado por el "lobby judío", en referencia al grupo de presión Comité Estadounidense de Asuntos Públicos de Israel (AIPAC).
Implications of AIPACs Lobbying on Syria
Daily Beast-12 wrz 2013
Last week I argued that Syria wasn't a priority for AIPAC, but that if the Obama Administration asked it to lobby Congress to authorize strikes ...
Inside AIPAC's Syria Blitz
Huffington Post-14 wrz 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 117 artykułów)
Śledź na bieżąco wyniki dla zapytania aipac.
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Wyniki wyszukiwania
Challenging “The J Street Challenge” (or, Why I Didn't Go To AIPAC ...
New Voices-17 mar 2014
The one, and only, time, that I attended AIPAC's Policy Conference was in 2012, when I was a junior in high school. I was, at once, bewildered, ...
AIPAC makes big push on Syria military action
Haaretz-10 wrz 2013
Despite the forcefulness of AIPAC's push and the lobby's vaunted clout on Capitol Hill, Obama faces an uphill battle in gaining support from ...
AIPAC Lobbies for War on Syria
Center for Research on Globalization-9 wrz 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 145 artykułów)
L'Aipac Project al fianco del professor Franco Nanetti
Prima Pagina Online-18 sie 2014
SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO – Prima della ripresa delle attività Aipac Project, l'associazione sambenedettese segnala un interessante ...
Open letter from NYC Iranians to Mayor de Blasio: When you stand ...
Mondoweiss-12 mar 2014
We also ask that you reconsider your relationship with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Last month you addressed a ...
MWC News
Remembering AIPAC's Last Defeat
CounterPunch-16 wrz 2013
“We prefer to stay out of the public eye. We don't want AIPAC to become the issue.” — ROBERT ASHER, Former president and chair of AIPAC ...
Daily Beast
N.Y. Times scraps AIPAC from Syria story
Politico (blog)-3 wrz 2013
A reference to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC was mysteriously cut from a New York Times article published online Monday and in print ...
AIPAC Activism On Syria Disappears From New York Times
Daily Beast-3 wrz 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 artykułów)
Le Congrès américain décidé à s'immiscer dans les négociations ...
Iran Focus-26 lis 2014
Et alors que le lobby pro-israélien Aipac, en février, exhortait encore les élus à la patience, lundi le groupe d'intérêt --influent au Capitole-- a ...
AIPAC pressuring US against Iran, Syria: Analyst
Press TV-30 gru 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is pressuring the US Congress against Iran and Syria in an attempt to strengthen the ...
Congress imposes Iran sanctions for AIPAC: Lindorff
Press TV-16 gru 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbying ... “It's mostly about setting themselves up to get AIPAC support for the next ...
The Guardian
AIPAC, J Street And the 'Dual Loyalty' Question
Al-Monitor-18 wrz 2013
The decision by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, to back President Barack ...
Democrats, AIPAC Jeopardize Iran Talks
Foreign Policy (blog)-16 paź 2013
Their demands to maintain the current measures reflect, in part, the success of a concerted lobbying campaign by AIPAC. The pro-Israel group ...
Scene at AIPAC
Cleveland Jewish News-12 mar 2014
U.S. Sen. Rob Portman of Cincinnati, Arielle Goldberg of Moreland Hills who is a student at American University in Washington, D.C..
AIPAC policy conference opens
Washington Post (blog)-3 mar 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) began its annual policy conference this morning with an appearance by Israel's ...
Full Text of Netanyahu Speech to AIPAC 2013
Algemeiner-4 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 284 artykuły)
Ariel University exhibits for first time at AIPAC
San Diego Jewish World-6 mar 2014
WASHINGTON (TNA) – The 2014 AIPAC Convention commenced with the singing of the Spangled Banner and the Hatikvah by Hagit Yassu, ...
AIPAC dinner to be held Jan. 30
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix-20 sty 2014
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will hold its 2014 Phoenix Annual dinner on Thursday, Jan. 30, featuring Jeremy Bash, ...
Report: AIPAC to mount major lobbying blitz for Obama's Syria strike ...
Jerusalem Post-5 wrz 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is set to "mount a major blitz" in support of US President Barack Obama's resolution to ...
J Street or AIPAC, the message remains the same
Middle East Monitor (blog)-25 wrz 2013
AIPAC is a bipartisan group, drawing support from Republicans, Democrats, and independents. Such is the group's influence, that the Obama ...
Press TV
Former UK foreign secretary: AIPAC is the main barrier to peace
Jerusalem Post-27 paź 2013
Former British foreign secretary Jack Straw told a gathering in the House of Commons last week that AIPAC's “unlimited” funding and ...
'Unlimited' funds to AIPAC block ME peace: Jack Straw
Press TV-28 paź 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 10 artykułów)
AIPAC Tries to Brand Israel as Liberal Cause
Jewish Daily Forward-10 mar 2013
Looking Like America: California Assembly Speaker John A. Perez is Latino and gay. His appearance and others spotlights AIPAC's effort to ...
Iran to be in spotlight at AIPAC conference
Cleveland Jewish News-21 lut 2014
Larry Kadis, chair of the AIPAC Cleveland Council, said the group includes many first-time attendees and a lot who have been to the event ...
Press TV
AIPAC: 'Absolutely no pause' in Iran sanctions lobbying
Jerusalem Post-3 lis 2013
The statement late Saturday came after days of reports that top pro-Israel groups, including AIPAC, had agreed in a meeting with senior White ...
AIPAC, AJC won't suspend Iran sanctions lobbying; ADL willing
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-4 lis 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 56 artykułów)
PM Netanyahu To Visit DC In March To Address AIPAC Conference
JP Updates-6 lut 2014
benjamin-netanyahu-at-aipac Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will attend in person and address the 2014 AIPAC Policy Conference, ...
AIPAC's Push To Scuttle Iran Diplomacy
Daily Beast-1 sie 2013
With AIPAC backing, the bill got 376 co-sponsors before Rowhani's election. Some 80 of those were among the 131 members who signed a ...
AIPAC welcomes Holocaust scholar for St. Louis talk
St. Louis Jewish Light-16 sty 2014
Before the talk, AIPAC will hold a leadership reception at 6 p.m. for AIPAC club members who contribute a minimum of $1,500 to the ...
How AIPAC Pushed Us To J Street
Daily Beast-13 mar 2013
After meeting at a Long Island Bar Mitzvah, we reunited years later as college freshmen eager to become pro-Israel advocates at AIPAC's ...
Pittsburgh, W.Va. send record delegations to AIPAC conference
thejewishchronicle.net-13 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 4 artykuły)
Pro-Israel Lobby Pushes America into War. AIPAC Is A Grave Threat ...
Center for Research on Globalization-6 wrz 2013
Ynet writes that in the past Israel has “refrained from pushing US into war, and Jerusalem and AIPAC have thus far kept silent regarding Syria, ...
Did AIPAC Punt for Obama's War? Embrace It or Wince?
Huffington Post-7 wrz 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 16 artykułów)
Israel: a Huge Liability on American Foreign Policy Balance Sheet ...
Center for Research on Globalization-31 lip 2013
Israel: a Huge Liability on American Foreign Policy Balance Sheet – Indyk-AIPAC Secret Theft From American Industry Reaches $100 Billion.
AIPAC's Exploding Christmas Gift To Obama
Intifada Palestine-19 gru 2013
Just when President Obama was starting to believe that it was safe to go back into the water, the lobby has come out with a new Iran sanctions ...
Iran Sanctions Bill From Sens. Bob Menendez And Mark Kirk Could ...
Huffington Post-19 gru 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 757 artykułów)
AIPAC's legislative agenda dividing members of Congress
The Hill (blog)-5 kwi 2013
One such proposal, buried within AIPAC's long list of legislative demands, was language proposing that Israel be included in the U.S. Visa ...
AIPAC Not Just for Jews Anymore
Forward-15 mar 2012
Bigger Tent: With an eye to the future, AIPAC is expanding beyond its traditional Jewish base. Its membership now include large numbers of ...
Gay Times at AIPAC
Huffington Post (blog)-13 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 274 artykuły)
AIPAC Promotes War on Iran
Center for Research on Globalization-6 sie 2013
AIPAC's a blight on humanity. It's an unregistered foreign agent. It operates illegally. It does so destructively. It promotes war. It deplores peace.
Aipac Project, il Counseling non va in vacanza
Prima Pagina Online-2 sie 2014
SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO – Con luglio Aipac Project di San Benedetto del Tronto sospende le attività associative per la pausa estiva, ...
Open Hillel Responds to AIPAC and Hillel's new Partnership
Jewschool-5 gru 2013
AIPAC's policy positions are highly controversial among Jewish college students and the American Jewish community at large. Thus, if Hillel ...
Ultime dal Signorini – Mandragora non recupera per Cesena
Canale Genoa-27 lis 2014
I preparatori Pilati, Barbero e Cantarelli, questi ultimi relatori al convegno dell'Aipac, hanno posto l'accento su potenziamento e intensità nella ...
Should We Cut Off Egypt Aid? Ask AIPAC
Daily Beast-2 sie 2013
That much became clear when Graham read into the Congressional record a letter from AIPAC. "I asked them to comment on this," Graham, ...
Full text of Biden's speech at AIPAC policy conference
Haaretz-4 mar 2013
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden addresses the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) 2013 Policy Conference, March 4, 2013, ...
Anti-Zionist Jews Protesting AIPAC Told They Are 'Doing the Work of ...
U.S. News & World Report (blog)-4 mar 2013
After Vice President Joe Biden gave a speech inside the AIPAC conference Monday, reaffirming to thousands of delegates that there was "no ...
The Orthodox Go to Washington
Tablet Magazine-5 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 7 artykułów)
Petition to Hillary assails 'right wing Democrats' who take ...
Mondoweiss-29 lis 2013
... petition states that many Democrats are not getting behind Obama, because they want the cash of “warmonger interest groups like AIPAC.
AIPAC says it was 'challenged' in Syria vote push, but stands by move
The Times of Israel-11 wrz 2013
He denied that AIPAC had mobilized to push Congress to support Obama's proposal in response to requests by the administration, and ...
What if Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC Gave a War and No One Came?
Slate Magazine (blog)-10 wrz 2013
AIPAC endorsed the idea of airstrikes early in this debate, and it moved not a single member of Congress. Haaretz noticed that, asking whether ...
AIPAC's Party Planners
Tablet Magazine-1 mar 2013
The AIPAC Policy Conference, which begins Sunday, is the Jewish equivalent of the Oscars or the Grammys—the big, buzzy annual event ...
Jewish Democrats Launch Campaign To Defend Obama At AIPAC ...
BuzzFeed-1 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 22 artykuły)
AIPAC Gone Wild
American Spectator-9 wrz 2013
But with AIPAC's aggressive support for a U.S. attack on Syria -- Politico reports that AIPAC "is planning to launch a major lobbying campaign to ...
Washington Post
Kerry asks AIPAC to 'have Netanyahu's back' on peace process
Jerusalem Post-14 paź 2013
WASHINGTON – Speaking from London via satellite to a private AIPAC conference, US Secretary of State John Kerry asked members of the ...
Does Kerry need to convince AIPAC to support peace?
+972 Magazine - Independent commentary from Israel and the Palestinian territories-15 paź 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 197 artykułów)
What Role For AIPAC In The Process?
Daily Beast-9 sie 2013
Ron Kampeas reported on Thursday that AIPAC's official endorsement of the U.S. push for a two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian ...
AIPAC calls for Congress to authorize Syria action
Politico-3 wrz 2013
“AIPAC urges Congress to grant the president the authority he has requested to protect America's national security interests and dissuade the ...
Liberal senators Markey and Murray join AIPAC in fighting White ...
Mondoweiss-16 paź 2013
This is tragic. “Democrats, AIPAC jeopardize Iran talks,” reports Foreign Policy. Much of the opposition to lifting sanctions comes from liberals: ...
AIPACs Moral Myopia: Israel Want Egypts Military to Stay in Power
Daily Beast-19 sie 2013
I remember talking, years ago, to an official of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) about Samantha Power. Everyone praises ...
Liguria Notizie-27 lis 2014
I preparatori Pilati, Barbero e Cantarelli, questi ultimi relatori al convegno dell'Aipac, hanno posto l'accento su potenziamento e intensità nella ...
Intifada Palestine
AIPAC & OFAC Ratchet-Up US Sanctions Targeting Syria and Iran's ...
Foreign Policy Journal-13 lip 2013
It is with selected AIPAC staff, sometimes over a catered lunch, that they dream up and craft ways to cut off the financial legs and the lines of ...
«Un'America più lontana da Israele? Colpa dei no di Netanyahu ...
Europaquotidiano.it-13 paź 2014
Qual è oggi l'influenza dell'Aipac sulla politica estera americana? ... come esistano numerose lobby filo-israeliane in America oltre all'Aipac.
Un échec cinglant de l'Aipac
Le Club de Mediapart-9 mar 2014
La conférence de l'American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) s'est achevée hier. Malgré l'euphorie de façade, c'est l'absence du ...
Why Did a Reference to AIPAC Vanish From an NYT Story on the ...
Slate Magazine (blog)-3 wrz 2013
One administration official, who, like others, declined to be identified discussing White House strategy, called AIPAC “the 800-pound gorilla in ...
Netanyahu's speech at AIPAC (full text)
The Times of Israel-5 mar 2012
Thank you for the warm reception. It could be heard as far away as Jerusalem – the eternal and united capital of Israel. More than two thirds of ...
AIPAC beats the drums of war
Washington Post-5 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 10 347 artykułów)
AIPAC opposes cuts in Egypt aid
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-1 sie 2013
The letter is the first public signal since the army coup that deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in early July that AIPAC is actively ...
AIPAC conference highlights Canada-Israel ties
Jerusalem Post-7 mar 2013
WASHINGTON – Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird electrified the massive pro-Israel crowd at this week's AIPAC's policy conference with ...
Americans for Peace Now: Don't Co-sponsor AIPAC's Bills for Iran War
Truth-Out-7 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 50 artykułów)
Leonid Sawin: Lobbing, jako najwyższa forma korupcji
Europejskie Centrum Analiz Geopolitycznych-22 paź 2014
W USA, np., istnieje silna proizraelska struktura AIPAC, z którą konkuruje formacja J Street – także proizraelska, ale w politycznym planie ...
The Hindu
AIPAC Applauds Harry Reid on Tougher Iran Sanctions Bill Despite ...
Algemeiner-21 lis 2013
The Obama administration had also lobbied major Jewish organizations for their support of a delay. However, AIPAC , along with other Jewish ...
Kagan, neocons, AIPAC, Israël, Égypte... désordre, désordre
de defensa-5 maj 2014
Jim Lobe, l'excellent commentateur washingtonien qui s'est spécialisé dans la surveillance chaleureuse et néanmoins pointilleuse des ...
AIPAC Draws Red Lines on Talks With Iran
Jewish Daily Forward-20 wrz 2013
In a memo sent out on Friday, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) joined the Israeli attempt to throw cold water on the idea ...
If Obama Had Given That Speech at AIPAC ...
The Atlantic-21 mar 2013
If Obama had delivered the speech he just gave in Jerusalem to the annual AIPAC convention, he might have been booed. No, check that, he ...
AIPAC and Iran in the Obama-Hagel years
Washington Post (blog)-28 lut 2013
An AIPAC official authorized to speak only on background asserts that the attendance at the conference beginning Sunday will exceed or meet ...
AIPAC and Congress Sustain Iranian Nuclear Program
The National Interest Online (blog)-1 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 186 artykułów)
Spy Crisis Launched AIPAC's Think Tank
Antiwar.com-5 paź 2012
AIPAC's parent was ordered to register as a foreign agent (destroying it, though it took a few years) as a result of a Senate Foreign Relations ...
Why AIPAC Won't Fight Hagel
Daily Beast-7 sty 2013
An informed source tells me that during a hotly debated recent conference call that included top AIPAC lay leaders, the organization decided ...
Obama Defeats AIPAC
MWC News-9 sty 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 831 artykułów)
AIPAC Lobbying Efforts Since 2008 Exceed 10 Year Period
Politic365-19 mar 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) lobbying efforts have doubled since 2008, according to data provided by the Center for ...
AIPAC's Anti-American Resolutions
MWC News-18 mar 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 3 artykuły)
Lobbyists First Loss In 30 Years
Huffington Post-9 lut 2014
Obama threatening to veto new Iran sanctions means for the first time in 30 years, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's top legislative priority, has been ...
Były ambasador RFN w USA: Do pokonania terroru IS potrzeba ...
tokfm.pl-22 paź 2014
... - Pokonanie terroru Państwa Islamskiego wymaga utworzenia szerokiej koalicji międzynarodowej również z udziałem Rosji, Chin i Iranu ...
MWC News
How AIPAC Lost Its Grip
Intifada Palestine-3 paź 2013
At least I've believed that since 1982 when Tom Dine, AIPAC's most successful executive director, explained how it would happen.
'Multi-millionaires in US Congress funded by AIPAC'
Press TV-4 lis 2013
US politicians are not willing to get a clear picture of Americans' priorities because multimillionaires in US Congress are funded by pro-Israeli ...
Aipac 2013 Conference Arrives At Tough Time For Budgets ...
Huffington Post-2 mar 2013
Bipartisanship is a perennial priority for Aipac, and its policy conference regularly draws the attendance of supportive lawmakers from both ...
Rep. Elijah Cummings praises Yemin Orde
San Diego Jewish World-5 mar 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C (Press Release) — At the just concluded AIPAC conference, Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland praised the ...
AIPAC Illustrates Current Threats Facing Israel With Bombing ...
Daily Beast-25 cze 2013
Last week, friends forwarded me a mailing they had recently received from AIPAC. Included with the letter touting AIPAC's accomplishments ...
Arne Christenson to manage policy and politics at AIPAC
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-19 lut 2013
Christenson, who worked at AIPAC as chief lobbyist in 1993-95, moves into a position that was newly created by the organization. During a stint ...
How AIPAC Beat J Street
Foreign Policy-5 mar 2012
How AIPAC Beat J Street. It has the formula for healing the dangerous U.S.-Israeli trust deficit that emerged under Obama. BY Josh Block.
Cheney Takes the Israeli 'Political Football' Snap
Tablet Magazine-5 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 102 artykuły)
AIPAC, Israel, and the Hypocritical Claim of Backing a Two-State ...
Daily Beast-5 mar 2012
AIPAC endorses the Jewish state of Israel and a demilitarized Palestinian state, but its support for an undivided Jerusalem as Israel's capital ...
Thirty Seven House Democrats To Head To Israel on AIPAC Trip
Jewish Daily Forward-4 sie 2013
An AIPAC official confirmed that 37 Democrats altogether will be going, although not all of them are freshmen. The Democratic tour, which lasts ...
AIPAC discouraged Rouhani overture, Rabbi Wolpe says
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.-25 wrz 2013
The pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC “actively discouraged” an effort by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to reach out to Iranian-American ...
AIPAC Sure Got Trounced on Syria, Didn't They?
Mother Jones-12 wrz 2013
I'd dial down the triumphalism a bit myself, but Rosenberg does raise a question I've been wondering about too: What happened to AIPAC?
Wirtualna Polska
Państwo Islamskie rośnie w siłę. Ekspert: To duże zagrożenie. Oni ...
tokfm.pl-20 sie 2014
... - Nagle jest ktoś, kto w imię boga rządzi i robi to lepiej niż poprzednicy. Państwo Islamskie to nie tylko to ucinanie głów i egzekucje jazydów.
AIPAC lobbyists press Congress for war on Syria
Middle East Monitor-22 wrz 2013
AIPAC is considered to be the most powerful organization in the Israel Lobby, wielding incredible influence. Last Saturday, an AIPAC source ...
Eric Cantor To Lead Twenty-Six House Republicans on AIPAC Trip ...
Jewish Daily Forward-7 sie 2013
the Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, will lead 26 GOP lawmakers on a tour of Israel funded by AIPAC's educational ...
AIPAC Takes a Big Hit
CounterPunch-11 lis 2012
Despite hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds from AIPAC and some wealthy Jewish Americans that were contributed to back ...
Cleveland natives Kassen, Kohr to speak at AIPAC event here
Cleveland Jewish News-5 cze 2013
Kassen, national president of AIPAC, and Kohr, the organization's CEO, are both Cleveland natives. They will return to speak at AIPAC's annual ...
AIPAC Loses On Hagel, Again
Daily Beast-15 lut 2013
AIPAC will continue to be one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington ... If AIPAC can't control the conversation, it will have to address these ...
Israel's Willing Executioners: AIPAC Invades Washington
Center for Research on Globalization-16 mar 2012
The AIPAC gathering is clearly not a meeting of “just another lobby”[4]: It is the ... AIPAC is the vanguard of Israel 's shock troops in the US .
AIPAC: The unrivalled lobby
Aljazeera.com-6 cze 2011
Not surprisingly, my recent piece on an ugly 1988 experience with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli government ...
¿Cuántos yihadistas hay en Siria e Irak?
Rebelión-4 lis 2014
En Londres cuenta con la colaboración de Aaron Y. Zelin –igualmente experto del WINEP, el think tank del AIPAC [2]. Para decirlo de otra ...
The Hindu
NY Times Blames Israel and AIPAC for Prolonging Egypt's Agony
American Thinker (blog)-18 sie 2013
But in pursuit of external meddlers aligned against Washington diplomacy, the Times prefers to build a case against Israel and AIPAC. Here's ...
Ex-AIPAC Flack to Head The Israel Project
Forward-22 sie 2012
After leaving AIPAC, Block remained a harsh critic of J Street, the dovish lobbying organization operating to the left of AIPAC, and entered a ...
AIPAC-Drafted US Aid to Israel Illegal
Antiwar.com-23 wrz 2012
AIPAC's publicly available tax return [.pdf] reveals it has now become as seamlessly linked to its foreign principal as its parent organization ...
TEXT: Obama's AIPAC Speech
National Journal-22 maj 2011
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Good morning. Thank you. Thank you so much. Please, have a seat.
Netanyahu's Speech at the AIPAC Conference, May 2011
Council on Foreign Relations-24 maj 2011
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 7 195 artykułów)
Une délégation de l'AIPAC reçue en Tunisie
GlobalNet Tunisie-31 gru 2013
AIPAC Une délégation de la très influente organisation américaine pro-israélienne « American Israel Public Affairs Committee » (AIPAC) a fait ...
L'AIPAC, modèle de déroute-Système
de defensa-8 lut 2014
La déroute de l'AIPAC (voir le 31 janvier 2014) est en train de se transformer en un catastrophique effondrement dans la perception de la ...
中央日報-27 lip 2014
最も強力なロビー団体に挙げられている「米国・イスラエル公共政策委員会(AIPAC)」の定例ワシントン行事のように、米国全域に分散した韓国人パワー ...
No Obama or Bibi, but AIPAC conf. still looking to make noise
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-26 lut 2013
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shown addressing the AIPAC policy conference in Washington in March 2012, will present a video ...
AIPAC To Hill: Don't Touch Israel Aid
The Jewish Week (blog)-27 lut 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 7 artykułów)
AIPAC University
Tablet Magazine-4 mar 2013
When Joe Biden spoke earlier today at the AIPAC policy conference, he made a few peculiar references about his age—he threw out a “for ...
AIPAC to see leadership change in Jerusalem office
The Times of Israel-19 paź 2012
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) announced Friday that the long-time director of its Jerusalem office, Wendy Singer, will ...
AIPAC and the Push Toward War
The Atlantic-22 lut 2012
The bad news is that, as Kampeas also reports, "AIPAC is expected to make the resolution an 'ask' in three weeks when up to 10,000 activists ...
San Francisco Chronicle
76 senators sign AIPAC-backed letter seeking added pressure on Iran
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-4 sie 2013
WASHINGTON (JTA) — An AIPAC-backed letter urging President Obama to exert greater pressure on Iran to end its suspected nuclear ...
Lazio. Le proposte Fassid AIPaC per il riordino dei laboratori d ...
Quotidiano Sanità-13 cze 2014
Dopo la farmaceutica, i servizi di psicologia, l'assistenza territoriale e la prevenzione, la federazione sindacale entra nel merito delle opzioni ...
AIPAC praises Obama's 'steadfast' support for Israel
Jerusalem Post-18 wrz 2012
"As Rosh Hashanah nears, AIPAC -- its leadership and staff -- extends to Israel's strongest supporters heartfelt appreciation for the work of this ...
AIPAC Thanks Obama for Pro-Israel Policies
Antiwar.com-18 wrz 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 740 artykułów)
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Wyniki wyszukiwania
Irish Independent
Netanyahu and AIPAC: The difference is the word 'suspend'
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-9 paź 2013
AIPAC just put out a tough memo on Iran, as the Obama administration begins its engagement with Hassan Rouhani, the new Iranian president ...
Barack Obama's AIPAC 2012 speech
Aljazeera.com-6 mar 2012
US President Barack Obama has said he prefers to use diplomacy to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, but he made clear that he ...
10 Ways AIPAC Undermines Democracy at Home and in the Middle ...
AlterNet-29 lut 2012
AIPAC has tremendous clout but its influence has been disastrous for U.S. foreign policy and U.S. democracy. Here are ten reasons why AIPAC ...
"Islamski antysemityzm w Niemczech demaskuje przerażającą lukę ...
tokfm.pl-26 lip 2014
W wielu niemieckich miastach odbyły się demonstracje z okazji solidarności z Palestyńczykami. Tym razem obyło się bez zamieszek. "Islamski ...
Report: AIPAC Planning Major Lobbying Blitz On Syria
TPM-6 wrz 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will deploy up to 250 Jewish leaders and activists to Capitol Hill starting next week to ...
Full text of Cantor's speech at AIPAC policy conference
Haaretz-4 mar 2013
U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) 2013 Policy Conference.
Does AIPAC Have Only Two Major Donors?
Antiwar.com-9 sie 2011
AIPAC's last IRS list of contributors claims the organization now has only two major donors [.pdf]. As a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization (a ...
Why Occupy AIPAC?
The Nation. (blog)-1 mar 2012
Every year, in an impressive display of raw lobby power, the AIPAC Policy Conference descends on Washington. And every year, a huge ...
When Kerry says 'both sides,' AIPAC says the Palestinians
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-4 cze 2013
Secretary of State John Kerry, in an appearance before the American Jewish Committee June 3, urging Israel to continue to regard the ...
How the Israeli Lobby Works in the United States
Center for Research on Globalization-30 lis 2012
AIPAC watched every political race in every election, she explained. ... The new Congressmen and women welcomed the lobby, AIPAC merely ...
Full text of Sen. Robert Menendez AIPAC 2013 speech
The Times of Israel-5 mar 2013
Thank you Lonny Kaplan for your always kind introduction, and for your support and friendship over the years. And thank you to AIPAC for the ...
AIPAC Outspends Other Religion-Related Advocacy Groups in ...
Pew Research Center-5 gru 2011
AIPAC's expenditures amounted to more than three times that of the next highest-spending organization, the U.S. Conference of Catholic ...
AIPAC and J Street, the emotional disconnect
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog)-27 mar 2012
Likewise, when Olmert spoke of the deep Jewish connection to Jerusalem, a staple crowd pleaser at AIPAC, the J Street audience yawned, but ...
AIPAC warns on Iranian president-elect Rohani
Jerusalem Post-19 cze 2013
Leaders on foreign policy in the Senate share AIPAC's assessment of Rohani's victory, congressional sources told The Jerusalem Post, and ...
Occupy AIPAC: Saying No to K Street Control of Congress and War ...
Huffington Post (blog)-1 mar 2012
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has contributed to a disastrous American course in the Middle East and will be back at it ...
AIPAC and Hillel: Working on campus to expand support for Israel
Heritage Florida Jewish News-22 lis 2013
Rather than reflexively respond to the animosity of others, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)—America's pro-Israel ...
AIPAC's Doomsday Conference
CounterPunch-12 mar 2013
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) recent convention in Washington produced the usual Doomsday talk concerning Iran's ...
Letters backed by AIPAC, J Street urge Obama on Israel defense ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-20 mar 2013
AIPAC had no position on the Feinstein letter, an official of the organization said. J Street similarly had no position on the Cardin-Collins letter, ...
Video: Activists crash private AIPAC fundraiser in San Francisco
The Electronic Intifada (blog)-8 gru 2012
Activists briefly disrupted a private fundraiser of the powerful Israel lobby group AIPAC at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco on 4 ...
AIPAC running into buzz saw of public disgust for wars: Webster ...
Press TV-8 wrz 2013
Now we have AIPAC openly saying that they're going to be lobbying Congress to make sure they vote in the way that they want them to vote.
Remember When Chuck Hagel Voted for AIPAC-Supported John ...
The Atlantic-19 gru 2012
hagel twn clemons dc.jpg Chuck Hagel voted in favor of John Bolton's nomination before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to serve as ...
Will AIPAC Get Out-Flanked On Hagel?
Daily Beast-14 gru 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 338 artykułów)
AIPAC: A Lobby Without Parallel
Huffington Post (blog)-3 cze 2011
Not surprisingly, my recent column on an ugly 1988 experience with AIPAC, the Israeli government, and late New York Times columnist William ...
The Guardian
AIPAC Gets Ready For War With Obama
Intifada Palestine-29 wrz 2013
Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani have spoken. And they are on the same page. By that I mean not they agree about the issues dividing the ...
L'AIPAC et l'affaire de la Roche Tarpéienne
de defensa-31 sty 2014
31 janvier 2014 – Le 17 janvier 2014, nous avions signalé ce que nous désignions comme “la discrétion de l'AIPAC”, le très-puissant lobby ...
Steve Grossman, ex-AIPAC chair, running for Mass. governor
Jerusalem Post-12 lip 2013
Former AIPAC chairman Steve Grossman, now the treasurer in Massachusetts, says he will run for governor in the state. Steve Grossman ...
House members travel to Israel, courtesy of AIPAC lobby, not ...
Washington Post-9 sie 2011
Unlike a proper congressional trip, we're told that the AIPAC foundation “runs [the members] pretty good.” There will be breakfast speakers, ...
AIPAC taps Marshall Wittmann, veteran political player, as spokesman
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-20 wrz 2012
WASHINGTON (JTA) — AIPAC named Marshall Wittmann, a veteran political player who has worked for Democrats, Republicans and ...
PM Netanyahu's Video Address to the AIPAC Policy Conference ...
YouTube-4 mar 2013
Read text with "PM Netanyahu's Address before AIPAC 2013" here: ... FInd website from American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC here:
Mark Kirk Is AIPAC's Million Dollar Baby
Huffington Post (blog)-3 lut 2010
I would not categorize him as pro-Israel because that would require supporting an end to the deadly status quo. Mark Kirk is just pro-AIPAC and ...
Menendez to AIPAC: You Have My Hand in Friendship and the ...
OpEdNews-21 lis 2013
On March 5, the new chairman spoke to the annual AIPAC policy council in Washington. His talk concluded with this ringing promise: "You ...
CAMERA Prompts NY Times Correction on President's AIPAC Speech
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America-13 mar 2012
The New York Times has commendably corrected an article which last week erroneously reported President Obama's statements at the AIPAC ...
8 Observations About AIPAC, Iran, Obama, and Netanyahu
The Atlantic-9 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 1 385 artykułów)
Iran War: What Is AIPAC Planning?
Intifada Palestine-11 lut 2012
War enthusiasm will rise to a fever pitch by March, when AIPAC holds its annual policy conference. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will, ...
AIPAC to Obama: Attack Iran or let Israel do it
Press TV-11 lut 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 460 artykułów)
The Mossad Has Long Given Marching Orders to AIPAC
Antiwar.com-27 lut 2012
AIPAC's Washington policy conference next month is drawing intense scrutiny and unprecedented resistance. AIPAC has worked quietly for ...
Mossad Chief Set AIPAC Founder's First Public Relations Priorities ...
PR Newswire (press release)-28 lut 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 5 artykułów)
President Obama at 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference
The White House-6 mar 2012
The President delivers remarks at the 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference at the Washington Convention Center. March 4, 2012.
AIPAC's "War With Iran" Bill Passes House Committee
Huffington Post (blog)-3 lis 2011
Wasting no time after its success in getting the administration to oppose Palestinian statehood at the United Nations, and still celebrating the ...
'AIPAC Is Losing'
The Weekly Standard (blog)-27 lut 2013
But just how powerful is AIPAC if a man who refers to it as the “Jewish lobby” and has defiantly claimed that he is not an “Israeli senator” is ...
How AIPAC is Losing
Daily Beast-27 lut 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 653 artykuły)
Does PBS Know That "The Washington Institute" Was Founded By ...
Huffington Post (blog)-12 kwi 2010
There was no question that WINEP was to be AIPAC's cutout. It was funded by AIPAC donors, staffed by AIPAC employees, and located one ...
The Delusions Of Yair Lapid And AIPAC
Daily Beast-27 lut 2013
Say this for AIPAC: They're as delusional as Yair Lapid, the newly arrived king-maker in Israeli politics. Both Lapid and AIPAC appear to ...
AIPAC from the Inside | Part 1: Isolating Iran
PBS-10 cze 2011
weissman.jpg [ feature ] In August 2005, two lobbyists with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Steve Rosen and Keith ...
Creative Loafing Tampa
Congresswoman who visited Israel on AIPAC's dime has no time for ...
Mondoweiss-15 lip 2014
Update: Congresswoman Castor's office has responded to the allegations below with a statement issued after our post appeared. And Castor ...
FBI took long look at AIPAC activities
Washington Times-18 sty 2011
In addition, the AIPAC investigation has had a lasting effect on U.S.-Israel relations: The FBI blocked Israel's current national security adviser ...
AIPAC, other pro-Israel leaders at Senate meet laud Kerry initiative
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-26 cze 2013
WASHINGTON (JTA) — In a meeting with Senate Democrats, top pro-Israel leaders endorsed the Obama administration's latest ...
AIPAC, US public to face off over Syria in Congress: Don DeBar
Press TV-8 wrz 2013
There's also reports that AIPAC is going to push a major lobbying effort ... Just how much influence does AIPAC have over the Congress to be ...
Shirley: AIPAC seminar shows everyone has stake in history
Daily Northwestern-5 sie 2013
This summer, three Northwestern students, including myself, attended Saban and interacted with AIPAC and D.C. professionals for four days.
Egypt's Rulers Have a New Friend in DC: The Israel Lobby
Foreign Policy (blog)-19 sie 2013
As pressure mounts on Washington to cut off U.S. military aid to Egypt, Cairo has found an awkward ally in the form of AIPAC, the influential ...
The Mind and Muscle of American Support for Israel: AIPAC
Algemeiner-26 mar 2012
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a unique American organization supported by the majority of American Jews, is the most ...
Amos Oz slams AIPAC at J Street opening
The Times of Israel-25 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 140 artykułów)
The 535 Americans who are blocking peace in the Middle East
New Statesman-19 maj 2011
It is Aipac that polices congressional votes on Israel, demands ... defeated by an Aipac-funded candidate in 1982: "Congress behaves as if it ...
Christian Zionists: not a lobby like AIPAC
The Jewish Week (blog)-19 maj 2011
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 artykuły)
AIPAC, decapitators inside US government: Intelligence analyst
Press TV-24 lis 2012
He does not use the terms “AIPAC” or “the Israel lobby” but it is highly unlikely he could be referring to anything else. In fact, we can think of no ...
Reform Jews at odds with AIPAC over penalizing Palestinians for ...
Haaretz-1 sty 2013
AIPAC backed congressional bids to shut PLO office in Washington, while Reform Jews have urged Obama not to retaliate against the ...
DNC Israel Platform Reviewed, 'Loved' By AIPAC, Sources Say
Huffington Post-4 wrz 2012
UPDATE: 9:04 p.m. -- A source close to AIPAC denied to HuffPost that officials from the group had reviewed and approved the "full Middle East ...
AIPAC and the Undemocratic Convention
CounterPunch-7 wrz 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 2 999 artykułów)
Move Over, AIPAC
CounterPunch-30 maj 2011
For the first time ever, elements of the left, namely, Code Pink, organized a conference and a national demonstration against AIPAC, Move Over ...
Iran, Israel and Palestinians To Top AIPAC Convention
Voice of America-28 lut 2013
The AIPAC gathering comes just a few weeks before President Obama travels to the Middle East, where Palestinian protesters and Israeli ...
What's missing from this year's AIPAC conference?
Jewish Post-28 lut 2013
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 113 artykułów)
Aipac: Israel's Agent Feeling Squeezed?
Intifada Palestine-30 wrz 2012
The American Israel public affairs committee (AIPAC) has seen headier days according to US congressional staffers forced to work regularly ...
AIPAC acquits Koch on Iran
Politico (blog)-14 paź 2011
In a memo it circulated in connection of hearings in the Senate and House on Iran and Syria, the heavyweight pro-Israel group AIPAC is ...
"AIPAC Gives Koch A Pass For Flouting Iran Sanctions"
Think Progress-15 paź 2011
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 36 artykułów)
Will Obama speak at AIPAC?
Foreign Policy (blog)-19 sty 2012
There will be at least one president speaking at the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): Israeli ...
Christie offers tough talk on Israel at AIPAC gala
New Jersey Jewish News-15 lut 2012
According to a report by newjerseynewsroom.com, the governor told members of AIPAC's northeast region that “it may not be fashionable in ...
Strange AIPAC Link to Government Wiretap of Fox News' James ...
Jewish Daily Forward-29 maj 2013
Washington — With its talk of signal books, sketches and photographic negatives, the Espionage Act suggests a period long ago consigned to ...
Elephant waddles through room. 'NYT' doesn't see it
Mondoweiss-17 sty 2014
The piece then analyzes the 52-page bill, but the word AIPAC appears nowhere. Israel finally appears in the 17th of 20 paragraphs–.
AIPAC Applauds Passage of Senate 'Resolution Standing With ...
The Weekly Standard (blog)-17 kwi 2013
WASHINGTON — AIPAC praises the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for adopting today Senate Resolution 65 - a strong bi-partisan ...
Transcript: Obama's Speech at AIPAC
NPR-4 cze 2008
And I know that when I visit with AIPAC, I am among friends. Good friends. Friends who share my strong commitment to make sure that the bond ...
10 Reasons to Keep an Eye on AIPAC
Antiwar.com-28 lut 2012
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country. On March 4-6, AIPAC will ...
Which Matters Most, AIPAC's Power, or Rachel Corrie's Death?
Salem-News.Com-26 lut 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 24 artykuły)
AIPAC and Obama
Muckety-11 gru 2012
As our Muckety map demonstrates, the connections between AIPAC and the Obama White House are clear and direct.
Obama gives up, AIPAC wins
Aljazeera.com-18 maj 2011
A day after Mitchell's resignation came news that the president had decided that he will speak at this month's AIPAC conference, the traditional ...
McCaskill: If Hagel was a threat to Israel, AIPAC would be swarming ...
MSNBC-31 sty 2013
“You and I both know that if Chuck Hagel presented a threat to Israel, AIPAC would be swarming over the Hill. There would be many others ...
AIPAC Bars Me From Media Access to Their Conference
Muzzlewatch-3 mar 2012
It's hard to interpret what has happened in any other way, after my approved media credentials for AIPAC's annual policy conference were ...
'NY Times' Kristof retweets message slurring AIPAC
Jerusalem Post-17 sty 2013
“OBAMA told the 2 most pig like lobbies, AIPAC & NRA, to drop dead in same month," message retweeted by columnist read. 'New York Times' ...
Kosher Food Trucks Park at AIPAC
Tablet Magazine-4 mar 2013
Danielle Galitzer, a 10th-grader from Rockville, Maryland, exclaimed over lunch today at the AIPAC conference. She had good reason to be ...
Peter Beinart's AIPAC days
Politico (blog)-23 mar 2012
Peter Beinart, the former New Republic editor-cum-folk hero of the Israeli left, was paid to speak by the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC while ...
AIPAC'ta söylemler yumuşadı
Şalom-5 mar 2014
ABD Kongre üyelerinin üçte ikisinin boy gösterdiği, Amerikan İsrail Halkla İlişkiler Komitesi'nin (AIPAC) bu yılki konferansında rekor sayıda ...
Aipac-Konferenz: "Obama blufft nicht"
ZEIT ONLINE-4 mar 2013
Drei Wochen vor dem Besuch des US-Präsidenten in Israel hat Vizepräsident Joseph Biden der pro-israelischen US-Lobbygruppe Aipac die ...
Oakland's JVP counters AIPAC's push to exempt aid to Israel from ...
San Francisco Bay Guardian-6 mar 2013
The $100,000 marketing campaign features images of young Jews with the words: “AIPAC does not speak for me. Most Jewish Americans are ...
Obama's Shape-Shifting Alien Spotted at AIPAC Convention (Video)
The Jewish Press-27 mar 2013
Somebody got a hold of the video of President Obama's March 4 speech to the “Zionist cabal,” also known as AIPAC, and noticed – how could ...
In Christian version of AIPAC conference, CUFI draws 5600 to ...
Jewish Telegraphic Agency-17 lip 2012
Like the AIPAC event, the CUFI gathering includes a day of lobbying and here, too, the Israeli prime minister is a guest speaker, albeit via ...
Obama Administration, Scared of AIPAC, Punts on J Street
The Atlantic-20 mar 2012
J Street, the left-leaning pro-Israel group, is having its big conference in Washington starting this weekend. It's not going to be an AIPAC-sized ...
Kamel: AIPAC Convention shows the broad support in US-Israel ...
Daily Northwestern-7 mar 2013
Although this was my second AIPAC convention, what I saw this year amazed me. While I had always thought of AIPAC as a uniquely Jewish ...
AIPAC Policy Conf. 2013: Izzy Ezagui - the Armless Combat Soldier
YouTube-7 mar 2013
AIPAC Policy Conf. 2013: Izzy Ezagui - the Armless Combat Soldier. <a href="/channel/UC7DjcEEX7zUSvS3IWWX_nmw" class=" yt-uix.
Bending Foreign Policy: AIPAC's Education Arm Spent $2 Million on ...
Huffington Post (blog)-6 mar 2012
The influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is hosting its 2012 annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. The ...
Former US Senator: The Trouble with AIPAC
AlterNet-29 kwi 2011
Take action by attending Move Over AIPAC, a gathering in Washington DC from May 21-24, 2011, to expose AIPAC and build the vision for a ...
Comment l'AIPAC a perdu son emprise (Washington Spectator)
Le Grand Soir.info-13 paź 2013
C'est lors de mon emploi de quatre ans à l'AIPAC que j'ai demandé à Tom Dine si un président américain pourrait prendre une position ...
Professional BDS in South Africa overpowers pro-Israel lobby, says ...
The Electronic Intifada (blog)-19 wrz 2012
In the interview, Sackstein warned the pro-Israel groups in South Africa that they're up against “professionals.” He also claimed the the BDS ...
Anonymous Appears To Take Down AIPAC Website
BuzzFeed-4 mar 2012
The annual policy conference of the pro-Israel Group AIPAC is, as always, a massive show of bipartisan pro-Israel solidarity, and the target of ...
Anonymous targets AIPAC
GlobalPost (blog)-5 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 12 artykułów)
AIPAC thanks US government for 'steadfast support' for Israel
The Times of Israel-16 wrz 2012
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the 2011 AIPAC policy conference in Washington DC. (photo credit: Amos Ben ...
US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign ...
PR Newswire (press release)-17 mar 2010
AIPAC is a spinoff of an organization already ordered by the DOJ to register as an Israeli foreign agent. In November of 1962 the American ...
AIPAC's Democrats Demand Cutting Palestinian Aid
Huffington Post (blog)-3 paź 2011
AIPAC acolytes in the House of Representatives are now demanding that the United States cut off aid to the Palestinians. The reason: ...
My Political Rupture With AIPAC
CounterPunch-19 maj 2011
My political rupture with AIPAC occurred over a vote for military aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. This legislative package of aid was put ...
Hillary Clinton's AIPAC speech
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (blog)-22 mar 2010
Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton has finished her remarks at the AIPAC policy conference. The following excerpts are based on the ...
Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC
Arutz Sheva-21 mar 2010
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 7 667 artykułów)
American Free Press-9 mar 2012
The activists videotaped AIPAC supporters' violent reactions to the disruptions, posting the video to the Internet for the world to see. As this ...
ISRAËL-ETATS UNIS L'intense lobbying de l'AIPAC
Courrier International-20 mar 2013
Quelques jours avant le voyage du président Obama en Israël, l'AIPAC a tenu sa conférence annuelle autour des dangers qui menacent l'Etat ...
Hagel In The Dock: The Aipac Dog Bites A Man – by Dr. Alan Sabrosky
Sabbah Report-22 lut 2013
His opponents – principally AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Israel's semi-official lobby in Washington), CUFI (Christians ...
The Israel Lobby Finds a New Face: Black College Students
ColorLines magazine-18 sty 2012
AIPAC trained Evans and other students in lobbying and campaign work and provided a crash course in its staunchly Zionist version of Middle ...
Occupy AIPAC prepares for DC action
Press TV-17 sty 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 3 artykuły)
APN's Ori Nir in The Forward: No, AIPAC Isn't Anti-Israel
Americans for Peace Now-27 paź 2014
But not only AIPAC. All American Jewish organizations that focus on Israel, including the ones on the extreme right, are pro-Israel. They support ...
Ex-AIPAC flack loses gig over “anti-Semites” flap
Salon-23 gru 2011
Politico's Ben Smith reports today that the Truman National Security Project has severed ties with one of its fellows, former AIPAC spokesman ...
Obama vs. Reagan on AIPAC
Antiwar.com-15 maj 2011
Politico reports that President Barack Obama may attend the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) gathering in Washington ...
Ambassador Oren Tells AIPAC Likud Supports Two States
Daily Beast-4 mar 2013
... and how committed today's Likud party still is. Someone in the AIPAC audience might even believe him. But I doubt a single Palestinian will.
J Street Offers Alternative to AIPAC
Antiwar.com-6 mar 2011
At the panels I attended, however, I heard nothing about the Christian Zionists in America who give political power and cover to AIPAC and the ...
Washington Showdown with AIPAC
Antiwar.com-27 kwi 2011
When former AIPAC director Steven J. Rosen interpreted the contents of stolen classified US national defense information to Washington Post ...
'I Understand You Have a Panel,' Gingrich Tells a Panel-Less AIPAC
ABC News (blog)-6 mar 2012
Newt Gingrich apparently has been so busy campaigning all around Georgia that he hasn't had time to sleep, or even write a speech for the ...
Oops! Newt Gingrich Fell Asleep At AIPAC, Woke Up And Made ...
Mediaite-6 mar 2012
Dowiedz się więcej (Jeszcze 57 artykułów)
J Street, Progressive Alternative to AIPAC, Backs Area ...
Chicagomag.com-23 lip 2012
J Street, Progressive Alternative to AIPAC, Backs Area Congressional Candidates. The Tribune reported last week that Tammy Duckworth, the ...
Neither AIPAC nor Gilad Atzmon Speak for Me
MWC News-9 mar 2013
Jewish Voices for Peace, an organization for which I have recently joined, has placed ads throughout the DC Metro system saying, “AIPAC ...
AIPAC's Hagel Dilemma
Commentary Magazine-7 sty 2013
The last thing AIPAC wants to do is to fight a losing battle over Hagel in which it would get the worst of both worlds—a bad appointment and a ...
Śledź na bieżąco wyniki dla zapytania aipac.
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